[Chalion/HP crossover ficlet] The Thirst for Glorious Souls

Oct 15, 2009 14:34

Yep, you read that right. Even though I have had about zero time to read and review fics for the last month (not to mention finishing comments for a certain discussion post that is now two weeks old), last night, instead of getting caught up, I sat down and wrote fic myself. My excuse was: I felt like my head was going to explode if I didn't write something soon. Heh. But I do have about three of y'all's new(ish) fics in open browser windows, waiting for a quiet moment, and I have NOT forgotten them.

And yep, you read that right: it's a Chalion/HP crossover. I've never written any crossover fics before, but this one was sparked by a mind-bending prompt from last summer's ficathon at bujold_fic: 'Cazaril, Severus Snape, and endure' -- which would not leave me alone until I figured out a way to make it work. The story is post-DH, with all that implies about Snape's state of existence, and someone else who puts in an appearance is Ariana Dumbledore. This is not part of my "official" ficverse for either fandom, but I had to give crossover a try... .

chalion, genfic, stories

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