Title: Long Memories
shimotsukiWord count: 2101
Rating: G
Summary: Once Remus finally braves the Hogwarts staffroom, the transition from student to teacher is easier than he expected.
Genre: (Mild) humour
Author's note: This is my
grand_national prize fic for
ladybracknell, who requested Hogwarts teachers, PoA year.
Long Memories )
I just hope this Remus hasn't come out looking too much like a wimp, because I didn't mean it that way. I'm fully in agreement with some of the points you've made in discussing your "Magical Creatures" stories, about PoA year being a real high point for him -- he's finally got a meaningful job that he's good at, and he's liked and respected. What I actually meant to do here was write Remus having standard-issue first-teaching-job jitters. I've talked to so many friends and mentors who are teachers, even successful, confident ones, who had this when they started out. (Are the students going to listen to me? If they get the answers wrong, is it actually my fault? How can I call these senior teachers by their first names when they taught me?) Hmmm. If I revise this, maybe I should put a little more in about Remus being thrilled to be teaching at Hogwarts and happy with how his lessons are going.
But anyway, thanks very much for your comments -- I'm happy to hear the story was a fun start to your day. ;)
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