[Series index] Warp and Weft

May 02, 2008 10:36

Warp and Weft

After Voldemort's defeat, Remus and Tonks can finally start piecing the strands of their lives back together. (A loose collection of AU stories that continue from Kaleidoscope.)

This series is "minimally AU": Yes, Remus and Tonks survive the Battle of Hogwarts. But technically, to the best of my knowledge, this ficverse is consistent with everything that is explicitly written in book-canon. (Including the Epilogue, if we grant that Harry may have been exaggerating slightly about the frequency of Teddy's visits...)
  • The transition from canon: By a Thread (~7800 words | PG)
    After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus has a choice to make...with a little help from some old friends. [Part 1 was written for rt_challenge.]

  • House and Home (997 words | PG)
    Remus wonders if the post-war world will finally give his little family a chance to make a home of their own. [At day_by_drabble.]

  • A Matter of Opportunity (2390 words | PG)
    Remus is worried about Teddy, but Tonks is worried about Remus, and circumstances lead her to try something she's never done before. She can only hope they are ready for it. [At metamorfic_moon.]

  • Discovery (325 words | PG)
    First, May brought a battle, and a victory that cost much. But now it has brought something else. [At day_by_drabble.]

  •  [new]  Happily Ever After (4690 words | PG)
    Tonks wonders whether she can trust this new happily-ever-after, or whether back-to-normal means that Remus will start to doubt his worth again. [At rt_morelove.]

  • Support (1990 words | PG)
    Remus is finding his place in the world after the war when a request from Kingsley threatens to shake everything up again. [At day_by_drabble; link is to Part 1 of 2.]

  • Changing Minds (4980 words | PG)
    The members of the Order of the Phoenix finally receive the thanks they deserve, but Remus finds that Harry is a lot more optimistic about the prospects for change in the wizarding world than he is. [At metamorfic_moon.]

  • Losing Things (704 words | G)
    Remus finds he's been losing things lately, but that may not be so terrible after all. [At metamorfic_moon.]
  • First Fruits (1570 words | PG)
    Remus gets a bit of good news from Kingsley just in time for his birthday. Teddy squirms, Nymphadora drops things, and Andromeda looks on, fondly.

  • Commemoration (1444 words | PG)
    It is the first of May, 1999. Most of the wizarding world is marking an anniversary tomorrow. But for the Tonks-Lupin family, tonight is the time for looking back -- and looking forward.
  • And to All a Good Night (700 words | PG)
    Teddy starts asking questions about Father Christmas. The answer he gets is completely unexpected.
  • Confetti (430 words | G)
    Remus is almost ready to ring in the New Year when he notices that something is missing. [At metamorfic_moon.]
  • Natural History Lessons (1345 words | PG)
    It's a day for lessons: Teddy studies birds, Remus studies Teddy, and Tonks studies Remus.
  • Independent Research (1610 words | PG)
    Teddy has been doing some reading on his own about dangerous magical creatures. Remus really shouldn't have been surprised when the questions started.
  • Morning Snow (100 words | G)
    On Christmas Eve, Remus is trying to recover from the full moon, but something wakes him up.
  • Centre of Attention (932 words | PG)
    Teddy has plans for Remus on his birthday. They involve fireworks and dreadful nautical puns. And a trombone. [At rt_challenge.]

  •  [new]  Family (1450 words | PG)
    Harry and Ginny make a request. Even now, ten years after the war, it's the last thing Remus would ever have imagined.
2009 2011
  • Expecto Patronum (1145 words | PG)
    Remus and Tonks have dinner at the Potters' after seeing Teddy off on the Hogwarts Express. James and Al are full of questions, including one that not even Harry knows the answer to.

To: Index of all stories

warp_and_weft, index, au, remus/tonks

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