Fic posts at rt_morelove

Feb 02, 2014 22:14

The Stocking Filler Exchange at rt_morelove was great fun! Participants posted something like two dozen fics, ficlets, and drabbles, and a couple of art posts as well. There's a masterlist going up soon at the comm - stay tuned.

Here's what I managed to post for the event. First, two fluffy ficlets, one set early in OotP and one set mid-DH (because I firmly believe there was time for some fluff in DH!).
  • Fitting In (830 words | OotP | PG)
    Tonks gets a dinner invitation from Sirius - and a little surprise along the way.

  • Fuzzy Socks (950 words | DH | PG-13 / snogging with intent)
    Tonks takes up knitting again. Remus is rendered speechless.
The other post is a first take on the third chapter in the HBP sequence for the Kaleidoscope series. Writing this has actually given me some thoughts on how I want to revise the second chapter and write a different final scene for this third one once I reach the editing/revising phase, but for the moment, here it is. :)
  • If Battle Lines Are Drawn (3400 words | HBP | PG / mild profanity)
    At the first full meeting of the Order of the Phoenix after the fight at the Ministry, Molly keeps noticing things that are...different.
I'm still reading at the comm myself (sorry for being slow!), but anyone who's been missing Remus/Tonks should be sure to check it out.

remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, rt_morelove, stories

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