[Kaleidoscope update] Now Wait for the Tide to Turn

Sep 05, 2013 23:39

After all those revised chapters, finally, here's an entirely NEW chapter for Kaleidoscope! This is the first chapter of Part II, Mirrors, which covers the HBP year, but in terms of the story timeline this installment actually begins the morning after Blindsided. In other words, Remus has just gone into full-on noble-prat mode ( Read more... )

remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, stories

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Comments 17

train_lindz September 6 2013, 16:42:49 UTC
Nice update! I miss R/T fic and your updates always make me happy :)


shimotsuki September 6 2013, 18:48:03 UTC
Aww, thanks! I'm happy if this made you happy. :)

I figure there are only about five people in the whole world who are even going to read this, lol, but I'm still having fun writing it, so, why not keep going!


jesspallas September 7 2013, 10:32:03 UTC
It is so nice to have new fic. :) I'd drifted away from Harry Potter after I finished ALMT (post DH malaise I guess) but the bio has got people writing Remus/Tonks again and it's reminded me again how much I like reading good fic. :)


shimotsuki September 7 2013, 17:57:25 UTC
Aw, thanks! Very glad to know you enjoyed.

I had hoped the release of that bio would wake things up again a little bit, and it seems that it has. :) I've even got two new f-listers who write some R/T.


(The comment has been removed)

shimotsuki September 9 2013, 03:44:47 UTC

For some reason, I feel like there is a Helga's cup/teacup/Holy Grail/sacred feminine symbol thing happening here.

Ooh, cool analysis. Wish I had thought of it. ;) (It's fun to invent house-specific oaths, and there was the famed Hufflepuff cup, so.)

Glad the head-hopping doesn't bother you too much! I know some people say it's a bad idea, but I kind of like it; as you say, it's a fun way to approach a story where characters are misunderstanding each other, or where they know different things.


eleanoreleanor September 9 2013, 03:16:56 UTC
I'm always excited to see an update :) great installment!


shimotsuki September 9 2013, 03:45:26 UTC
Thanks! Very glad to know you're still reading and enjoying. :)


huldrejenta September 9 2013, 09:36:28 UTC
Finally LJ seems to be working fine again, and I was able to read this lovely update!

It's always a sign of me really enjoying a fic when it takes me a long time to finish it, and reading this one certainly fit that description! I stop here and there to let it soak in before I continue. And of course I knew how this had to end, yet I couldn't help hoping that it would end differently.

“I could never drag someone else down into this kind of life,” he said
There seems to be a fair share of Remus-is-simply-being-a-stubborn-prat-about-this around, but I can't help but see why he's feeling the way he does. Being the one to limit your partner's opportunities in life could certainly be difficult to get over for anyone. Though I wish he would let himself see that this has to be her decision sooner than he does, I sort of understand why he's doing it as well.

a perspective that Sirius, who was funding the household from his fat Gringotts vault, had always quite craftily encouraged.This is something that still bothers me, heh (I may spend ( ... )


shimotsuki September 10 2013, 03:39:18 UTC
I'm glad you've got LJ back! And thanks for the kind comments. I'm happy you enjoyed (even if it was sad).

There seems to be a fair share of Remus-is-simply-being-a-stubborn-prat-about-this around, but I can't help but see why he's feeling the way he does.

Oh, me too. He's been so damn unhappy for so much of his life (...a fact which a certain recent bio only reinforces, heh), and he doesn't want to inflict that on other people. I think Remus is incredibly strong to hold out for so long against what he wants so badly, even though (as you say) I wish he hadn't taken quite so long to work out that Tonks ought be given the chance to decide for herself what she really wants. (I also suspect Remus is afraid that if Tonks tries being with him, his miserable situation will end up making Tonks unhappy, and she'll leave him, meaning he'd only end up losing someone else he needs. But that's another whole side to their dynamic.)

why didn't Sirius leave Remus anything..?I know! Harry didn't really need it, or not all of it, what with ( ... )


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