That Remus/Tonks drabble meme...

Sep 02, 2013 23:59

I've been trying to use the summer R/T drabble/drawble meme to force me to finish a new Kaleidoscope chapter. And I am so close, but not quite there yet. (I've actually broken 5000 words on this one, which is unusual for me, but it needs at least one more edit. And a title. I hate titles!)

So -- apologies to people like huldrejenta who worked fast this weekend to actually make the original Sept 1 deadline (and her piece is very sweet, if anyone is looking for some new R/T to read), but I think I'll hold off a few more days before posting the masterlist. At least two of us are still going... Let's say, maybe Friday for the masterlist? I'm hoping I can get my fic posted in the next day or two, but it's always good to leave a margin, lol.

Anyone else who would like to add something to the meme, just link it over there in the comments thread and I'll be happy to include it in the masterlist. No drabble is too short! (Or too long, heh.)


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