Kaleidoscope news -- Two revisions and a teaser

Aug 17, 2013 15:10

I actually finished posting the revised chapters of the first part of Kaleidoscope at FF.N a couple of weeks ago, but what with Pottermore and Fire and Hemlock and the R/T drabble/drawble meme, I hadn't managed to get the revisions archived here on LJ as well. They're posted now, backdated to keep them near the rest of the chapters (and to avoid spamming my poor patient f-list, heh).

I've also been trying to pound out some new chapters for Kaleidoscope -- specifically, the first couple of chapters of the HBP part. These are hard chapters to write, though, what with that "million times," and Greyback-related backstory, and all! I'm hoping to get at least one of them done before the end of August, for the R/T meme, but it's been rather slow going. So, I thought I'd harness the power of potential public embarrassment to make sure I finish something soon, by posting a teaser. ;)

excerpt from Mirrors, as-yet-unnamed Chapter 1
(right after the first of a million times)
“All right. I’m off, then.” Tonks closed her eyes, tired of this conversation that wasn’t going anywhere. “But I’ll come round Monday evening.”

“What?” Remus looked up abruptly.

“Monday evening.” Tonks set her jaw and fixed him with a level look. “I’ll come by at seven or so with something hot to eat. Check how you’re doing.”

“No-don’t-” There was a flash of panic, for an instant, before Remus recovered, smoothing his face into something bland. “That’s kind of you, but there’s really no need. I’ll just be sleeping it off, anyway.”

That hurt. A lot. He’d always been so happy to see her after the full moon, before.

But Tonks swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep, deep breath, because she had a pretty good idea of what was actually going on. Remus knew he was pants at hiding his feelings when he was knackered after the moon.

That was all this was. It had to be.

Especially after he had kissed her with such sweet hunger, only two nights ago.

“Don’t be stupid.” She swung her satchel over her shoulder and planted her other hand on her hip. “You say you want us to be friends. And no friend is going to leave you to fend for yourself, not when it’s the first moon after-”

Her voice broke, and she felt her tough shell crack, a little.

“Remus. Hallowe’en was a bad moon-I saw you afterward, remember? And that all happened fifteen years ago.” She swallowed.

Remus didn’t respond, beyond pressing his lips into a thin tight line.

“Monday,” said Tonks, taking a pinch of Floo powder out of a little box she carried in her pocket. “I’ll be here.”

And here are the links for the last two chapters of Colours:

Kaleidoscope (I): Colours
11. Catching Hold (2490 words | PG)    [ LJ version here] [also on FF.N]
Tonks is afraid that Remus will disappear again, the way he did the first time he lost his best friends. But then he shows her something he's never shown anyone else, and she realises that there may be a way to hold on, after all.
  • What has changed: Minor stylistic revisions. Also, a few edits in the final scene to tighten up the themes of the chapter a little-and set the stage for some of the undercurrents I’m going to need for the beginning of the HBP sequence.
12. Blindsided (5590 words | PG)    [ LJ version here] [also on FF.N]
Remus makes a terrifying discovery, but he really should have seen it coming. For her part, Tonks discovers just how much Remus intends to deny himself-and her.
  • What has changed: A few details have been edited to better fit with the canon timeline. There is now a little more about the kiss, because after all, it's the only one they’ll get for a long time. More ‘too old’ and ‘too poor,’ to go along with ‘too dangerous.’ And more about how much Remus needs Tonks as a friend, despite new complications.

remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, stories

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