The YunJae Love - OTP

Oct 17, 2008 11:51

Roubado da reibusakasu pq vale a pena.
Como tem gente na minha f-list que não entende portugues mas tb ama YunJae, resolvi traduzir as perguntas e boa parte das respostas 8D

The YunJae OTP meme [with pics, gifs and videos]
[english and port.]

01. Comece com o seu nome.
01.Begin with you name
Lorena M.

02. Desde quando você gosta desse pair?
02.Since when you like this pair?
Desde sempre?
Since I started loving Dong Bang Shin Ki.

03. Por que você gosta dele?
03.Why do you like them?
Não me faça perguntas dificeis. [2]
It's because they're real~ (??)

04. Você gosta de outro pair?
04.Do you like other pair?
Of course. Many others 8D
and YooSu is one of them. TOPxGD, 8059, D18, and... [big list]

05. Como você os imagina?
05. How do you imagine them?
Like a real couple~ it's a lie
Well, I think they like each other a lot... and I can see they two in a relationship between love and friendship.

06. O que eles aparentam?
06.What do they seem to be?
Very close to each other.
"We do cute things together when we are alone" <- Yunho said that.

07. Se você pudesse escolher, qual dos dois escolheria?
07.If you could, wich of them would you choose?
Não me faça perguntas dificeis. [3]

08. Por quê?
Porque eu amo os dois. [2]
Porque eu o admiro mais? [2]
I'm obsessed with him. Everyone knows that [I think].

09. Na sua opinião, que tipo de pessoa é [JJ]?
09. In your opinion, what type of person is [JaeJoong]?
A motherly one? XD
Warm, cute, FUNNY, DORK and a little awkward~ <3

10. E [Yunho]?
10.And [Yunho]?
A manly one. Really manly.
A perfect leader, I think. And he is beautiful too. He is cool.

11. Como [Yunho] vê o amor?
11.How does Yunho see love?
Like a serious thing?

12. Como [JaeJoong] vê o amor?
12.And how does [JJ] see love?
Funny and dangerous? XD

13. Como eles se conheceram?
13.How did they met each other?
Before TVXQ's debut; in 2001.
At the SM audition and later at the training thing o_o
Yunho and JJ said that.

14. Eles já se declararam? Se sim, quem o fez primeiro?
14.They have cofessed to each other? If so, who said first?
YES. JJ [I guess].
This is one proof: (see the translations to understand. They're talking at a japanese radio station, and the host asked them wich member they would marry if they were girls)

image Click to view

And this is other: (cut-scenes from Dangerous Love mini-drama)

image Click to view

[well, I know it's fake XD BUT WHATEVER!]

15. As pessoas sabem da relação deles?
15.People know about their relationship?
Yes. or they imagine
If not, they should watch the Couple Talk here and here.

16. O que [JJ] pensa de [U-Know]?
16.What does [JJ] thinks of [Yunho]?
"He is the cute daddy, so cute"
"My belove member"
"My lovely U-Know is so adorable.." <- JJ said those things.

17. O que [Yunho] pensa de [JJ]?
17.What does [Yunho] thinks of [JJ]?
"He is really good-looking..."
"Someone like a mother, you know."
"I know everything about him. He is a very warm guy."
"He is really nice to his fans and he thinks of them a lot.. and he is CURIOUS and does weird stuff" XD <- Yunho said those things.

18. O que eles pensam das pessoas ao redor?
18.What do they think about the people around them?
"They're our family". <- about the other members
"We love all of them". <- about the fans

19. O que eles pensam da própria relação?
19.What do they thing of they're ralationship?
"If we were a real couple, I think we would have had a serious relationship"
"I don't expect anything more. I just want things to be just like this and we would be together forever". <- by Yunho

<- by JJ

20. Quem é mais "difícil" do dois?
20.Who is more "tough"?
Yunho [i guess].

21. E o mais "fácil"?
21.And the "easygoing"?
JJ, of course.

22. Eles prometeram algo um ao outro?
22.They promissed each other something?
Amor eterno. [2]
A banda? [2]
Friendship and DBSK.

23. E eles cumprem a promessa?
23.And do they execute the promise?

24. O quão longe eles foram?
24. How far have they gone?



i wonder??

25. Quem tem mais iniciativa?
25.Who have more initiative?

26. Quem ou o que interfere na relação deles?
26.Who or what interfere in their relationship?
ChangMin >D

and maybe YooChun XD [just to post the gif I like]

27. Se eles saíssem, para onde iriam?
27.If they go out, where do they go?
Some place to eat, drink, have an icecream? XDDDD

28. Um local para encontro?
28.A place for a meeting/date?
A restaurant? UAUHAUHA XD

29. Como eles se vestem?
29.What are their clothes like?
Normal? kfashion ftw

30. Eles visitam a casa um do outro?
30.They visit the house of each other?
Provavelmente. [2]
I guess so.

32. Se sim, o que fazem?
32.If yes, what they do there?
IMAGINE yourself :D

33. Eles se dão presente em aniversários?
33.They share b-days gifts?
Provavelmente. [3]
I guess so too.

34. Se sim, o quê?
34.If yes, what?
FOOD? XDD Hugs <3

35. Eles já deram as mãos?
35. Did they already hold hands?
A bunch of times.

if these counts.

36. Se sim, quem começou? Se não, por que não?
26.If so, who started?If not, why not?
I guess that time was Yunho. But on almost all others was JJ.

37. Eles brigam?
37.Do they fight?

38. Se sim, por quê?
38.If yes, why?
Yunho is the leader. JJ does whatever he wants.
I don't have to say anything more, do I?

39. Eles usam maquiagem?
39.Do they use makeup?

40. Como foi o primeiro encontro?
40.How was the first met?
They didn't get along so well at the first time.. BUT THEN...

41. Em que situação você gostaria de ver este pair?
41.In wich situation would you like to see this pair?

42. Você já escreveu ou desenhou algo sobre eles?
42.Did you write or draw something about them?
Graphics counts? yunjae_graphics 8D

43. Você tem amigos que gostam desse pair?
43.Do you have friends that like this pair?
Acho que sim. [2]
I guess, yes.

44. As pessoas sabem que você gosta dele?
44.People know you like them?

45. O que as pessoas acham disso?
45.What people think of this?
They like them too XD but sometimes someone tell me they're fake and some things i agree, but some persons are really rude with this "fake side" of them.

46. Eles são um pair major ou minor?
46.They're a major or a minor pair?

47. Qual a sua imagem desse pair?
47.What's you image of this pair?

48. Alguma canção que os lembre?
48.A music that reminds you from them?
A lot. Now adays it's Crazy Love.
But Love in The Ice and Mideoyo always make think of them [i really don't know why..]

49. Eles já apareceram em seus sonhos?
49.Did they appear in you dreams?

50. Bom trabalho! Mais algo a dizer?
50.Good joob. Something else to say?


Post aberto e fixado no topo por tempo indeterminado ;)

type: meme, fandom: dbsk

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