I've been in a creative mood lately. I think it's partially because I need to have my portfolio complete by Thanksgiving and my creative juices don't usually start flowing until the last minute.
Figure drawing studio was good today. Before to today I felt like I was experiencing a funk, nothing I produced looked good... to my eye. We had M, who is THE best model. So graceful and knowledgeable about her poses. I think she was an art student back in her college days. I only finished the contour drawing, so I'm finishing it at home.
In other news. Target has a few art deco home accessories, namely the
Venetian Mirror Table. I really want to buy two, and put them on my Target card (they are $99 each). But I know this is a HORRIBLE idea and against everything that I've come to believe in about credit cards lol. ... but I've been dying for a mirrored piece for soooo long.
Should I:
A) Get 2 tables and put them on my credit card
B) Don't get the tables; save for something larger like a dresser, coffee table, or console table... and pay cash (I've got a year until I get an apartment anyway)
C) Save for the tables, pray they go on sale, becuase a larger piece would be to trendy