Mar 24, 2007 14:31
so, lately i have been eating/breathing/sleeping masquers. (drama club)
it's fun, and i ve amde a lot of new friends + became really close to noes i've had.
i do miss my other friends though, and I BARLEY GET TO SEE JULIA STASIO. (srrrry)
so, last night all 50 of us ditched spring fling and went to kowloons.
which is a tradition.
and it was a lot of fun, and a lot of dancing.
then we went to libbys to sleep over. (becca, me, libby, casey, morgano.)
and that was fun, but it was going to be anywaysd :]
rehersal was in the morning at liek 8, but oh well.
[moment] for a little bit, i decided to stop dancing and i hung w/ tech crew.
this basically consisted of:
frosh: nicole, liam, josh, liam, toby
junior: matt spina (whose extremely funny)
so, i kept on deeming erverybody ninga turtles and maknigt hem respond to the call of duty. and then we talekd about god & a burrito. oh, and then we talked about how liam thought girls were checking him out, and other things. then, we will survive came on, and well, you can't miss that.
i don't want it to end,
but at the same time i kind of want my other life back.