Nov 26, 2006 18:39
Well, I was supposed to be returning back to school today, however, I must stay until tomorrow as I have an eye doctor appointment in the morning. I went to the eye doctor on Wednesday, but because she was having conflicting findings on the prescription I am going to need to fix my eyes, she is sending me in again to her partner to see what he finds out. I think this really sucks. Up until this point in my life I've had no corrective lenses. I've never had to worry about such things and now the issue isn't whether or not I am going to have them the issue is what strength prescription do I need.
My beloved New England Patriots are playing the Chicago Bears at home today, and I am excited. While I am a lesbian, Tom Brady is still my future husband. I fell in love with him when he was the quarterback at U of M and I still love him to this day. Patriots are going all the way.
I am also terribly pissed that Notre Dame lost to USC last night, not because I love Notre Dame, but because of that game I do believe that Michigan is moved down to the third place slot and USC is moved into second under Ohio State. Boo OSU. Michigan rivers flow from North to South because Ohio sucks! My roomate doesn't even like Ohio State and she is from Ohio. Although, I guess that works because she now goes to U of M. =P
I don't know why this whole entry has basically been about football, but I do love it. =)
Anywho, I am going to go do nothing now. Leave me comments. =)
You're insinuating that I'm hot, but these goodies, GIRL, are not!