I read this article this morning, and thought it was really interesting, so thought I'd share:
Stark Reality of the American Dream And, there's got to be someone, whether it be God or the universe or whatall, looking out for me. I was so grumpy this morning in the car - I don't know why I can't just sit back and enjoy the wedding preparations. But then, I do know why I can't sit back and enjoy it, but still, the question was in my mind. I told Sean that I wish I was one of those girls who just has, like, $30,000 to blow on her wedding, complete with an involved mother and a wedding coordinator, so that I could really be excited about the wedding and festivities. He gently reminded me that those types of girls are the ones who are totally obsessed with the perfect shade of the flowers and bridesmaid's shoes matching, etc. I'm really having a tough time with people telling me, "You really just need to relax," etc. I know that they mean well, but at this point, someone telling me I need to relax just generally pisses me off. Particularly because it's said with this look of stern surprise, with just a little bit of disdain, like, "Wow, this girl is really a head case." Like telling me to relax is less about concern for my health and well-being and more of a judgment. It's not so much that I'm running around freaking out, my head spinning around like the girl in the Exorcist. It's just that I have so. much. to. do, and I don't even have time to do my laundry, let alone sit down with Sean for a romantic evening (as is so helpfully suggested by theknot.com) to thoughtfully write our vows together. So instead of running around, freaking out like other brides, I sort of just shut down.
But yes, the higher power guiding me didn't so much guide me to the light of relaxation and understanding this morning, but moreso towards the kitchen in my office, where there were three beautiful boxes of pastries from Maurice's French Bakery (the best bakery in New Orleans) for my coworker, Michelle's, birthday. And I have to say - the pastries were a mighty fine substitute for enlightenment, at least for now.