Aug 21, 2004 10:49
I'm In my Homeland!!!
And nobody called me yesterday in my time of need. But thats ok, cos i went to this place where they make cheese, and ate like SOOOO much cheese and dairy crap cos it was all FREEEEEEE SAMPLES!!!! like a mother!!! My brother kept saying when we were driving there, "LETS GO GET CONSTIPATED!!!!" we all know he isnt..... Wow. MTIN!!!!
So i ate all this free cheese and then went on a tour of the cheese factory. On the way out Mark shut a door as i was about to go thru it and i ran into it. I was like "OWWW!" but didnt think much of it. So then later as i sat there while my dad wrote fake stories about the importance of dairy products i was like, "GOd, my shoe is sticky." So i took it off and my mom was like "EWWWW!" and i looked at it and it had CHERRY SYRUP all over it. I was like "WHy is there Cherry Syrup in a cheese factory?". Then my mom goes, "Callie, You idiot, thats BLOOD!!!" Of course, im dumb and start going "EWWW! WHO BLED ON MY SHOE! now im gonna get AIDS!" so then i look at my toe which i slammed on the door and is the only part of my foot covered in blood and was like "Oooo, Its MY blood... Ha, Ha, Ha. Im DUMB!" of course everyone wants to help me and they get me this HUGE giant BRIGHT BLUE band Aide to put on my lil toe and it was soooo HOTTTTTTT!!!! i COuldnt stand it it was soooo GORGEOUS!!! Ha. NOT!
SO then when i got Back to the pittons, Bethany invited me to go to the varsity/alum soccer game. Ya, i didnt watch it that closely. I only really paid attention when the one guy kinda stopped breathing and they were like "CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!" and i would've, cept i didnt know where i was. Like directioon wise. I would be like "IM in VErmont......" Ha. No. But i got to meet Bethanys friends. They were really nice. me and Julie are like THIS! *holds finger apart like a peace sign, but no*. Ha. YES.
So then we went home and watched 13 going on 30, which was pretty good. And then i went to bed. ANd then i woke up this morning, ate a BLUEBERRY MUFFIN , looked at the MUFFIN sign above the door, and wrote this entry. GO TEAM USA!
The End.