Attention: cooking ladies! :)

Oct 02, 2007 22:11

I gotta say, I was a little sad about only receiving two comments on my last journal entry! I said so much, and rarely post, so I thought you guys would have stuff to comment on! lol

anyway, hopefully this one will get some responses... I need you guys! This is for all my cooking friends (Shawna, Julz, Lisa, LeAnn, Sarah whoever else.. I have you girls in mind!)...

I have never been much of a cook. I guess I never really tried all that much, because my mom always cooked really good meals, and my little sister Nikki loves to cook and is pretty good at it (she actually considers being a chef when she grows up hehe).. so I kinda just left it to them.
But I really want to learn now. Now that I have someone to cook for, who is always hungry... "the way to a man's heart is through his belly", my mom always said lol. I've been cooking dinner for the family during the week, and for Joe on the weekends. I've had a few mishaps, but for the most part I've been doing a pretty good job! My meals haven't been super-dooper amazing or anything, but they are really not bad, if I do say so myself..

But ANYWAY... I'd really appreciate if you girls could give me some tasty, relatively easy recipes. I'd rather things with basic ingredients, I can't afford to buy weird/hard-to-find things, ya know? I'm going for yummy, quick, easy... if that is possible.
If you have anything you think I could attempt baking, I'm willing to try that too.

THANKS!!! xo


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