Sep 26, 2008 11:52
Vulnerability. I proved that I'm capable of having a vulnerable side. And now he is showing me his side of vulnerability. And now we are falling for each other when we can't, not supposed to, not allowed to.
Don't you hate it when the person you want is someone you cannot have and will never have, and it kills you even more to know that they reciprocate your feelings, but realize the same thing? "Does something unrequited mean it will never be?" Yes. It does. I've seen it all too many times before in my own life and in my friends's lives. It's a tragic feeling, but at the same time, it's releasing. I wish I could explain it. I guess I just love the feeling knowing that someone is willing to invest more into me than I thought they would. He completely trusts me. He always counts on me. He knows how to read through my "good" days and knows how to make me happy. But, he also knows how to make me truly happy, and knows that that's something that cannot happen. Heartbreaking bliss.
In better news - everyone's going back to school and I'm not! That's the benefit to working Full Time and now having to worry about getting a little bit of vacation time and a lot of school time with classes, and homework! I have a consistent schedule, bitches! And if I plan to skip a day of work, the repercussions aren't so bad because I get PAID to skip! Hahahahaha, and I can read to learn for free. Oh, I love rubbing that in their faces.