Sep 08, 2014 02:05

JFC this game is gorgeous. There's been a lot of complaining about certain cashshop changes over the past week, but honestly most of it strikes me as typical gamer qq. I don't even care -- it's ridiculously fun just derping around and exploring the seriously vast vast world.

Which is what I spent most of open beta doing. (including wandering off into dangerous areas lmao)

With my textures fixed (mostly) -- I just couldn't stop snapping pics. (You'll note also probably if you're paying attention that I spent most of my time on the Western continent during this beta phase -- not because I prefer the Western continent because tbh I don't, but because our Western faction characters are hilarious.)

- - -

Now to seiorusly get some sleep and some work done before official release. lmao. This game, man.

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

mmorpg, mmorpg: archeage

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