
Sep 11, 2013 10:57

So I was looking through my files and apparently while I was doing my Tokimemo 1 playthrough I started working on a guide. A "quick" guide.

"since the only available guides in English (at least, the ones that haven't been taken down or lost to the dusty archives of the internet) are not that great, here's a simple guide to winning Shiori if for some reason anyone reading this actually wants to give it a try without resorting to the in-game cheat code. :P Most of the information is from here and verified/extrapolated/added onto from my own experience."

Well I never bothered finishing it (and in fact halfway through I started working on a GENERAL guide in addition to the Shiori-specific guide) because I realized I was getting really involved in writing up something that maybe three people would ever bother reading. Including myself. XDDDDD

But I do have... a considerable amount.... drafted.... so might as well share. (obvsly haven't double-checked the info anytime since, so take with a grain of salt.) As I mentioned before, the boys' side game mechanics are actually pretty interesting*.

* I seem to remember now that the main reason I started writing this up is because of something none of the English guides seemed to realize: "affection levels" are actually calculated by THREE invisible parameters (and the famous smiley system is therefore not totally accurate -- they only serve as a general guideline). Which totally threw me off during my girl-juggling spree.

0. Ending Requirements

Health (体調) = 70+
Humanities (文系) = 130+
Sciences (理系) = 130+
Arts (芸術) = 130+
P. E. (運動) = 130+
General Knowledge (雑学) = 120+
Appearance (容姿) = 100+
Willpower (根性) = 100+
Stress (ストレス) < 50

And a surprisingly low minimum of 8 dates, NOT including the four seasonal event dates. In other words, a minimum of 12 dates if you want to see all her events.

Note that if you want to end up at the same college as Shiori ("perfect ending") or the first tier option for the career track, you specifically need to have Humanities/Sciences/Arts > 135.

The most difficult stat to deal with is Willpower (it's relatively slow albeit not hard to raise, but in the process you will lower pretty much everything else, and if it gets too high too early on you will be forced to meet one of the other girls). Appearance comes in at a distant second, with the primary difficulties being that 1) almost every single action decreases the stat, and 2) ALL the girls in this game place a good deal of importance on how you look, which means raising the stat will also raise their affection levels.

1. Birthday/Blood Type

In this game you're allowed to set birthdays and blood types for both yourself as well as Shiori. Blood type determines compatibility/love "growth rate" and, assuming you're not overly attached to your Real Life stats, is fairly easy to strategize. The following is a table of compatibilities for Tokimemo 1 and 2 depending on what you set as your own type --

Best | Good | Mediocre | Bad
A | | O | B & AB | A
B | AB | A & B | O |
O | A | B | AB | O
AB | | B & O | A | AB

As you can see, the highest compatibilities are B|AB and O|A -- but between the two O|A is probably more ideal, as B is pretty compatible with all types and you DON'T want the other girls to be falling in love with you as quickly. Then again, most of the girls are type A... so the A|O combination might be preferable if you're worried about date-juggling. (Only two other girls are type O, and I don't think there are actually any ABs in this game.)

Birthdays are a little more complicated.

For your own birthday, you have a choice depending on whether or not you're a completionist and want to see all of Shiori's events (it is NOT necessary to see all her events to get her ending). There is a special event you can trigger if you set your birthday to be the same as hers, on a date that falls on a SUNDAY in March.

The viable choices are: 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, and 3/31 (if you think you can meet the friendship requirement by the end of the first year, i.e. 1996), and 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, and 3/30 (for the second year, 1997). You graduate on 3/1/1998, so no chances after that.

But you have to be careful, because if you choose to join a sports club (basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis, or baseball) there are mandatory practices on the third Sunday of every month (3/17 and 3/16 for the respective years), meaning if you trigger the event on either one of those days as a sports club member, you'll get kicked out.

Assuming you're playing the PS version and want to make your life as easy as possible, 3/30 is the best choice for reasons I'll explain in the next section. 3/10 is probably second-best due to the time constraint, but may be better if you think you can raise her affection* quickly enough.

If you don't care about this event though, then feel free to set your birthday to whatever you want; but setting Shiori's birthday still requires some strategy, as it will determine which club she chooses to join. The formula depends on the version of the game you're playing (refer to QLai's guide). Ideally, you want her to join the same club you plan to join. Which leads us to the next aspect of the strategy...

* Note that affection is calculated from some invisible combination of friendship points and love points and growth rates vary by character (as well as taking into account blood type compatibility). Very generally speaking, friendship points come from walking home together (and are thus relatively stable) and love points come from dates/special events (and thus have a relatively high fluctuation rate).

2. Club

Joining the same club as Shiori will make it MUCH easier/faster to raise her affection -- IF you dedicate yourself to club activities. If you don't, you won't do well in the competitions/culture festival -- I don't think this lowers affection, but it certainly doesn't help. Choosing to be in different clubs is fine too, but opens up the risk of meeting and subsequently raising the affection of other girls (who default to membership in particular clubs unless Shiori joins, in which case they join an alternate club).

The sports clubs are generally NOT a good idea if you're going after Shiori (unless you're up for a challenge in micromanagement), even if you don't care about the special birthday event. They raise P. E. and Willpower but lower every other stat, meaning if you intend to take your team to the championships it's going to be much harder to meet Shiori's other requirements.

The available culture clubs are as follows: Drama, Science, Music (Band in the PS version), Computer, Arts, Literature

Of these, Band is close to ideal as it has the potential to raise the most stats, including Willpower. The only potential downsides are that it raises Stress a lot too... and the Willpower-raising means there's a possibility that you'll inadvertently unlock one of the other girls. (Lit Club is an excellent alternative choice for raising your academic stats only.)

With that in mind, if your priority is to raise Shiori's affection as quickly as possible (i.e. place her birthday as early in the school year as possible and join Band with her) and you're playing the PS version, then April 15th would be a good choice (4/6 is the Lit Club alternative). If instead you're gunning for the special event, this leaves you with only March 30th, as stated earlier. (3/10 is the Lit Club alternative.)

3. General Year-by-Year Strategy

First of all, note that this is a very very very conservative strategy based on avoiding ANY date-juggling scenarios whatsoever. It's totally possible to win Shiori AND be Mr. Heartbreaker at the same time. Just kind of a headache. More moderate strategies are also obviously doable, but will require a little more planning as well.


Your main priority for the first year is stat-raising while minimizing/eliminating your chances of meeting other girls. In other words, your primary weekly activity should be your club (feel free to rest when your stress gets too high and/or your health gets too low, but note that this game gives you a lot more leeway with health/stress issues than in later games). Only run regular commands on Sundays or holidays*, focusing on Humanities/Science/Arts** (best to keep them pretty even). The occasional Exercise should be fine (you probably don't want to ignore the P.E. stat entirely because it affects the mandatory Sports Festival), but if you find your Endurance getting close to 30 try to get it back down (basically everything but Science reduces it) unless you don't mind meeting Saki (who unlocks at 36).

* For a more moderate strategy, doing the Science action during the school week every now and then is probably okay (I find it better than Humanities for raising multiple stats, and Humanities will be raised naturally from your club activities anyway if you chose Band/Lit Club) as it will only introduce you to one extra character (and possibly Saki if you're not careful).
** I actually found it completely unnecessary to use the regular Art command because Band raises that stat REALLY quickly. I believe it's the same for Lit Club and Humanities.

You may need to skip the Christmas party this year if your Appearance gets too low (it needs to be > 70, though alternatively if your P. E. is somehow > 150 that will get you into the party too). If you can afford to, it's raised via either the "Hang Out" or "Dress Up" actions (again, only run these on Sundays or holidays -- and I prefer "Dress Up" to "Hang Out" as it's faster, though "Hang Out" has a slight chance of raising your P. E. stat at the same time). Skipping Christmas will raise your Willpower and Stress both by 10.

That said, if you run your Appearance into the ground it apparently also becomes safe to do regular commands during the week as new character run-ins won't be triggered if you're a slob, but I have not confirmed this.

It's also not necessary to set up dates at all this first year (unless you really want the affection boost from the summer festival, which is always the first week of August). Obviously, if you see Shiori on your way home, always ask if you can walk home with her, though she will decline until she reaches a neutral affection level (the club activities/stat-raising will do the trick).


If all's gone well, you haven't run into any other girls until now. (I believe it's possible to randomly meet people at the Christmas party [in which case you should reset], but haven't confirmed this, and if you've been doing well on tests/school events there's also a chance you've already been forcefully introduced to Megumi, but you otherwise shouldn't have met anyone else.) But once you enter the second year, you WILL meet your buddy's sister Yumi, and she'll start out with pretty high affection for you. That said, it's pretty safe to ignore her/let her bomb you. For that matter, if you've met Megumi, you should also ignore her. (Though the girls' bombs will certainly affect Shiori as well, trust me, your stats/club activities will more than make up for it.)

Stat-raising strategy is still more or less the same as Year One, though you can start incorporating the other stats into your regime more often (with the exception of toughness, which you don't want to focus on until endgame, though incidental increases are of course more than welcome). You may still end up needing to skip Christmas if you've been spectacularly unlucky, but I personally don't think it's necessary to play it that safe unless you've screwed up somewhere. (If all your academic stats are close to or over 100 by the time you hit the second trimester, you're probably okay.) Note though that for the second year, you're going to need > 100 Appearance (or > 175 P. E.) to get in.

You can also start setting up the occasional date. (Especially if you need to defuse bombs.) If you're playing very conservatively though, ignore the bombs as mentioned above and only date Shiori.


After the first week (the week of the education/career path surveys), it's now safe to do regular actions on school days without running into new characters. The only exception is Megumi (who is introduced either Christmas or Valentine's so still has a chance to appear), but at this point you've probably already met her anyway. This will make it a lot easier to do your final stat-raising.

You can also finally start working on Endurance via the Science actions. (Exercise will do it much faster, but will kill some of your other stats, so continue using Exercise only in moderation or as needed for the P. E. stat unless the other stats are far above the threshold. Similarly, the Appearance-raising actions should be kept to a minimum.)

Note that if you've had to sacrifice Christmas the previous two years, you'll need 120+ Appearance or 200+ P. E. to unlock the party.

All that's left then is to make sure you've gotten the minimum number of dates. (You probably have a lot more freedom to defuse bombs now too if you really want to, though at this point you can basically blow off everything and everyone else and still remain secure in Shiori's affections.)

4. Girl-Juggling

Some important tips if you do pursue a more moderate strategy and/or mess up and/or feel bad about ignoring the other mandatory girls:

The accept/reject options are always the first and second, respectively.

Walking home with a girl after school every now and then is probably the best strategy for keeping incidents to a minimum, though keep in mind that it'll raise every other girl's unhappiness points every time you do so (affection is calculated separately from unhappiness but the two parameters do influence each other mysteriously behind the scenes; the only fact you can be sure of is that it's much easier to raise affection than it is to decrease unhappiness). You can ignore a girl reasonably often when she's still at the neutral ":|" state (below neutral state, she's going to be the one turning you down), but when she starts waiting for you at ":)" she's going to start getting more easily hurt by your rejections. At the ":D" level it's basically close to impossible to reject her without creating a bomb (you can maybe at most turn her down once, but twice in a row and there's no avoiding it). You can tell how much you've hurt the girl based on the PC's mental self-assessment after the exchange, but by the time your rejections hurt enough to matter, who really cares about the exact degree of hurt? :P

If a girl asks you out for a Sunday date in the hallway though, you have a slightly more complex choice to make. You have two chances of rejecting her, first when she asks you whether you have time available, and then when she suggests a date spot. Other English guides have suggested that it's better to reject her immediately -- this, oddly enough, is correct, although if you understand the actual dialogue it will seem absolutely counterintuitive because the line for immediate rejection in this game is INCREDIBLY rude/arrogant. "You think I got time for you?" is not at all a direct translation, but captures the gist of it better than a closer translation -- it is easily one of the rudest, if not THE cruelest thing the player character is allowed to say in the entire Tokimemo franchise. (The player character in this game is a real jerk -- probably the worst protagonist of the series -- and it's not just for this line.) But yeah, despite the asshole behavior, pretending you don't have time actually hurts the girl less than telling her you don't want to go on a date with her. Which makes some sort of twisted sense. Again though, in practice, the exact degree of hurt doesn't really make much of a difference to your gameplay unless you're attempting to micromanage.

That said... what do you do if you can't avoid a bomb? (You'll know you got one if a message pops up, usually the day after walking home with someone, telling you about rumors spreading among the girls.) Well, if the girl's unhappiness is low enough, a simple phone call should be enough to defuse it. But if it's pretty high, you'll actually need to go on the date before it defuses. Giving a (good) birthday present seems to be sufficient as well.

Also, you do have some time to spare if you can't defuse a bomb right away. Under normal circumstances it's not going to explode until about a week (maybe two depending on how many girls you're running into in the meantime) after you've seen an after school scene where the girl shows up and glares at you without responding to your greeting ("........."). This is basically your "last chance" warning.

One thing you should NEVER do* though, even in your worst scheduling nightmare, is to stand a girl up on a date. That will cause such a sharp rise in her unhappiness levels that the bomb's explosion within the week is more or less guaranteed.

* that is, until you reach January of your third year and find yourself needing to start lowering affections of non-target girls on purpose

You'll know a bomb has gone off if you hear the sound effect and Yoshio calls you later that night.

5. Dating Tips

*** How to gauge the reception of your responses (without relying on expression) ***

Be careful, as your available response choices may differ each time and will not always be in the same order even when they're the same. At any rate, after the girl reacts, you will comment to yourself with an assessment on how well you did:

悪い - Terrible
あんまり良い - Not great
"まあ、こんなもんだろう" - Mediocre (this is the best choice for bomb-defusing dates)
わり良い - Pretty good (this is the best choice if you can't find a perfect response)
バッチリ良い - Perfect

*** Recommended Spots ***

First, some general tips --

Make sure to unlock new locations by checking the news bulletin before every new season! (end of February, May, August, and November)

Some locations are seasonal and will only show up during a brief space of time.

Don't ask a girl to the same place two dates in a row (shopping is an exception as long as you choose a different store each time).

Also, it's not the end of the world if you pick a less than ideal location, as long as you can read the mood and pick an appropriate response. (Obviously, this can be difficult, but a good way to capitalize on this if you need to arrange an emergency date is to go to the movies or the concert hall and choose out of three options -- great show, mediocre show, terrible show -- based on what you know of a girl's taste.)

An incomplete list of good or safe locations for Shiori specifically:

近所の公園 (Nearby Park)
きらめき中央公園 (Kirameki Central Park -- take her to see the sakura during spring, or to see the leaves during fall)
海 (Beach -- only open during summer vacation, late July through August)
スキー場 (Skiing -- only open during winter vacation, after Christmas)
神社 (Shrine -- only open on the first Sunday of August for the annual summer festival)
遊園地 (Amusement Park -- this is a generally safe option year-round, but it's especially good in August for the night parade)
コンサート会場 (Concert Hall -- take her when it's the KNM orchestra, i.e. classical music)
映画 (Movies - take her when they're playing romance, i.e. during the last two winters)

Dating Shiori is pretty simple/straightforward, actually. Just pick the sweet/romantic responses in general (not TOO difficult to guess via elimination if you have rudimentary Japanese and/or can recognize snark/impoliteness), and don't take her to noisy places like the stadium (スタジアム) or the game center (ゲームセンター).

6. Birthday Presents

7. Events

Each (non-secret) girl in the game has four seasonal event dates (alongside other miscellaneous or random events). As mentioned earlier, these event dates do NOT count towards Shiori's final date quota requirements or affect the ending at all... but they do give special CGs.

Here's a table for Shiori's events, and note that the affection level is a rough estimate due to the way it's calculated. As a rule, :D events require high love points, whereas :) events just need friendship points.

SPRING | Central Park (きらめき中央公園) | none | Available from the 2nd year (March 1996)
SUMMER | Pool (プール) | :) and above | Available from the 2nd year; date Shiori at the pool twice during summer vacation
AUTUMN | Nearby Park (近所の公園) | :D and above | none
WINTER | Amusement Park (遊園地) | :D and above | Go on the Ferris Wheel (観覧車)
RANDOM | N/A (after school) | :) and above | Available anytime the summer uniform is worn (short sleeves)
RANDOM | N/A (before school) | :) and above | Available on regular school days
SPECIAL | N/A (Shiori's house) | :) and above | Share a March birthday with her that falls on a Sunday
SPECIAL | Christmas party (automatic if relevant parameters met) | :D and above | nope (check year guide for Xmas party parameters)

0. Preliminary Notes

- Information in this guide: Meeting Conditions, Ending Parameters, Basic Profile (Blood Type/Birthday/Club/Career Track), Birthday Presents, Events, Recommended Date Locations, and Miscellaneous Tips

- Blood type compatibility affects affection growth rate, but it's probably not something you need to worry about unless you're micromanaging your strategy for whatever reason. (A detailed compatibility chart can be found in my Shiori guide.)

- Affection is calculated from some invisible combination of friendship points and love points and growth rates vary by character (blood type compatibility notwithstanding). Very generally speaking, friendship points come from walking home together (and are thus relatively stable) and love points come from dates/special events (and thus have a relatively high fluctuation rate). There is also a third invisible parameter measuring unhappiness levels, which is calculated separately from affection despite their mutual (and sometimes rather mysterious) influence on each other. All of this means that it is very much possible for a girl's affection to be at blushing level... and yet a girl at the lower ":D" level shows up at an event instead.

- This also means that the affection levels that trigger character-specific events are only loose estimates on my part. Generally speaking, you can assume that the ones labeled as ":) and above" only require friendship points, and the ones labeled ":D and above" require high love points.

- The girls who participate in clubs will end up in the second alternative listed if Shiori joins their default club.

- The only thing career track affects is a few lines in the ending (i.e. whether you end up in the same place as your girl or have to carry on a long distance relationship)

- Each (non-secret) girl in the game has four seasonal event dates (alongside other miscellaneous or random events). These events do not affect the endings, but do offer special CGs.

- The recommended date locations are only a very general guideline due to the nature of the game. Feel free to experiment (but use common sense).

- All information in this guide comes from _________. Some of it has been verified by my own playthrough experiences; I've also added on some of my own observations where applicable.

0.1 Dating Tips
0.2 Girl-Juggling
0.3 Shared Events/Dates

First thing to note is that there are final exams at the end of every trimester (July, December, April). Your ranking depends entirely on stats (Humanities/Sciences/Arts obviously, as well as General Knowledge, but perhaps less obviously Appearance plays a role as well, albeit only in your Art results). Doing well in them boosts affection (how much varies depending on character) -- but note that exam results are one of the three factors behind triggering Megumi's introduction in particular.

There's a Sports Festival the first Saturday of every June. Placing first in an event boosts affection, again to varying degrees. 3-Legged race (二人三脚) is the easiest imo. If you want to avoid meeting Megumi though, you may wish to lose on purpose instead, as this is the second factor that affects her introduction (no harm in placing last, as it does not seem to lower love points of characters already present). In this game you can't choose to not participate... The subsequent Folk Dance will show you which two girls aside from Shiori have the highest love points for you at the time.

After final exams is summer break -- a few key seasonal date spots open up during this time period, so keep your eyes peeled.

There's a summer festival at the shrine every year on the first Sunday of August. Of the various important shared events, this one is the only one that is NOT automatic and is therefore easy to miss -- you have to invite a girl as if to a regular date. Obviously, make sure to compliment your date on her yukata if she agrees to come and wears one. Also, the first two summers feature minigames: goldfish catching the first year (I THINK the minimum for an affection boost is five), and prize shooting the second year (make all five shots for a boost). The final year offers an easy boost in form of a fireworks display (you still have to select the right response though).

Next is the mandatory summer camp in August if you're a club member. DON'T peep at the women's bath unless you're willing to lower love points drastically for the girl in your club (if any) and you don't mind the possibility of getting an eyeful of naked dude instead. Apparently there's also a random possibility that you'll get food poisoning, which will completely eliminate any unhappiness points the girl in your club has built up, at the cost of half your health, but I have yet to trigger this.

In the second week of September of your second year, there's a class field trip. You have three choices as to location (choice only affects events for certain characters, otherwise it's basically just script differences [non-trivial differences, granted]): Hokkaido (北海道), Kyoto/Nara (京都・奈良), and Okinawa (沖縄). Girl with highest love points (not affection) will invite you out on the free days automatically, and turning her down will hurt her considerably (but allow you to invite someone else). There's also a good chance that you'll be attacked by an animal during your date, at which point you'll have the choice of running away or fighting, in that order. (Fighting is obviously better; running away will lower your friendship points. Plus the battles are coded so that you can't lose, though you may not be able to actually defeat the animal yourself.)

Otherwise the big fall event is the annual Culture Festival on the second Saturday of October. Mandatory club practice/preparation that week -- unless you're in a sports club. If you've used the club command enough times over the course of the year, the event will be a success (and boost affection, as usual). Naturally, this is the third and last factor in Megumi's potential introduction. If you're in a sports club, though, this event instead offers you yet another opportunity for a special affection-boosting date, again with an automatic invitation from the girl with the highest love points.

Next up is of course the Ijuin Christmas party. The necessary parameters for unlocking are different each year (70+ Appearance OR 150+ P. E. the first year, 100+/175+ the second year, and 120+/200+ the final year). If you don't make the cut, you'll get a mini-event that raises your Willpower and Stress both by 10. If you do -- you will automatically meet Shiori and Rei at the party; like the Folk Dance, the remaining two girls you meet will be the ones with the highest love points. If you haven't met enough characters, there's apparently a possibility that you'll meet some at this point (possibly only in the first year?). If you've been doing well in the mandatory school events, there's also a chance that Shiori will introduce you to Megumi during the party. During the present exchange, nabbing a girl's present will raise your friendship points with her and lower your stress, but if you're unlucky and get Rei's present, it will stress you out instead.

Winter break officially starts after Christmas -- featuring at least one more important limited time date option (skiing).

There's an annual Hatsumoude/New Year's Shrine Visit event one week after Christmas. As usual, girl with highest love points will automatically come to your house and invite you (after you look through who sent you postcards; this tells you who has enough friendship points with you), but if they're not high enough you'll have to phone her. (Don't freak out if you get a visit from Yumi on the day before; this appears to be one of her random events and does not have any effect on the shrine visit. Also, something I haven't yet confirmed to my satisfaction but seemed to be true on my one applicable playthrough: if your date showed up in a yukata during the summer festival, she won't wear a furisode for this event. (If you've played the Girl's Side games, you'll probably understand why. :P) This doesn't really affect anything/is not a sign of a decrease in love points, so it's just something to note in case her failure to dress up worries you.

Last two events of the school year are Valentine's Day (2/14) and White Day (3/14). On Valentine's Day you'll be able to tell how high the girls' love points are based on whether they give you giri choco 義理チョコ (i.e. the same "duty chocolate" all the other boys get) or if it's special chocolate that they put their true feelings into (this will be hinted at in dialogue). Then when White Day rolls around, pick a girl to return the favor for, and you'll get an affection boost for her (higher if it wasn't giri choco).

I don't seem to recall any special spring break-only date options (any that exist are not nearly as important as the summer/winter-only dates.)

Finally, the girl with the highest love points (if they are high enough), will be the one to give you a present on your birthday, whenever it is. (What this effectively means is that if for ego purposes you want to get a present every single year, your best chances of that happening will be by setting your birthday in February, sometime after Valentine's Day (but NOT on the entrance exam day, which in the PS version is on the 23rd of the final year).


Mira can be tricky to date as she has pretty finicky tastes. (For instance, she loves the final movie, which is a romance/youth drama. But the romantic movie during the second year she finds only so-so.) Also, sometimes her level of affection for you influences your available responses as well. (Rule of thumb is, the more she likes you, the better your pool of choices.) The repeatable summer event date in particular can have wildly varying results depending on how close you are; skii dates can also range from not-so-great to perfect.

Best/safest place to take her by far is shopping. Either one of the first two options when you initially meet up as she asks you where you want to go is fine -- just be careful to alternate them if your previous date was also a shopping trip. (The first is the clothes boutique and the second is an accessory shop. Third is the junk shop, where you should never, ever take her.) Going from memory, non-event dates at the boutique have two patterns, one where she makes you wait for her and one where she buys a lot of stuff. The appropriate response to the first one is to basically tell her "Take your time" or something along those lines (this should get you a good impression), and for the second one you need to offer to carry her bags for her (perfect impression). Accessory shop also has two patterns. For type A you should tell her the shop's stuff suits her (you'll see her name in the response), and for type B she'll ask you to choose a specific accessory that suits her, and you should choose the colorful (カラフル) one.


... In other gaming news, my sister is now a Suikoden convert too. <3

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

games: tokimemo

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