Giant Killing 23

Sep 05, 2010 19:53

Holy crap, why do I like this series so much? There are like two recurring female characters, one interesting (who doesn't get much screen time) and one less so (who shows up more), and in recent years I've just totally lost patience with series that have no female presence whatsoever or only token female presence, especially series that don't pass the Bechdel test... wtf, I seriously don't get it man. Maybe it's because this series actually treats the two women well and with equal seriousness as the male characters (albeit much less screen time, but that's a given considering the subject matter), allowing them agency and goals and desires of their own that don't revolve specifically around the men at all instead of treating them as a joke/an obstacle/a reward/a plot point/eye candy/all of the above. (I love them both.)

Anyway. I was laughing so hard (Natsuki's. Image. Training. Gino. What. *dies*), but it was also so damn nerve-wracking and between lmao and wanting to scream at Natsuki and going nuts over Tsubaki a;sdkjglg;ajkgd;klja

1. TSUBAKIIIIIII. Is an amazing thing of beauty. My god can that kid run. And damn does he shine when he really needs to.

2. Gino. My suspicions regarding him are all spot on. <333 One of the early opposing managers suggested that he was given the nickname "Prince" because he liked to hog the ball -- I think that manager just fell for his supposed reputation without actually understanding the role Gino plays on field. Or perhaps, on the other end, all of ETU's previous managers have been unable to bring out the best in Gino. Certainly Gino's off-field persona would seem to support the ball-hogging theory... but of all the players he's probably the most "on" to Tatsumi, the only one who's really on the same wavelength (Murakoshi doesn't really get Tatsumi, he's just putting his faith in him as asked; ditto for Dori though Dori gets him a little better I think), and Gino... you'd think he'd be above such a "supporting role", but the thing is he's the critical supporting role, and he has amazing judgment and handling of team dynamics. Of course, Tatsumi is the one who sets up the overall strategy and basic tactics beforehand, but Gino really is at the crux of actually carrying out a lot of these plans. His actions consistently betray him: on the field, at least, he is the furthest thing from selfish that can possibly be. XD (Winning comes first; showing off while he's at it if he can is just a bonus. LOL.)

3. Akasaki. I'm on the fence again. Eeeeek. Most of my tension regarding his character is that he's balanced RIGHT on the tipping point between over-arrogance and admirable sense-making-ness. (Hee.) I worry that he's tipping to arrogance with this episode, what with the ominous throwaway line we got from his POV serving as foreshadowing to that EVIL CLIFFHANGER*. However. That said.

Go him for having the guts to go for the goal. This episode has been all about having that extra drive as a striker. Gino is good at what he does because he's Gino, and keeping an eye on the big picture is his role. But a forward needs to be greedy, in a sense. Aggressive. Not to the point that he forgets the needs of the team, but still -- aggressive. That balance is what Natsuki needs to find for himself, and I think he does at the very end of the episode... which is what makes it so much more shocking when Akasaki comes in.

I suspect btw that Osaka's flaw as a team is that they are overdoing it on the offense -- they have four forwards, and they're ALL out for themselves, and all uber-aggressive. Which is totally fine and suits the team's playstyle, but at some point teamwork trumps that regardless. Which I think is what Kubota -- who, though clearly meant as a Tsubaki parallel, I think is also meant to play as a foil to Natsuki -- forgets in this episode, hence wearing out his stamina instead of letting another player drive the ball forward as he might usually do.

I think the thread for this was established all the way back in the game against Nagoya -- Nagoya's Japanese forward (I forget his name, but the one pitted against Kuro to much hilarity and win) became scary when he finally stopped giving a damn and started going for the goal without reserve.

Akasaki's not a forward, of course, but when even he has what Natsuki lacks until the end of this episode... Welp. Of the younger players, he's always been the one with the most drive. It'll be interesting if HE of all people is the one selected as a national player this game, despite Kubota and Tsubaki having decidedly much more raw talent, and Gino being a casually floated candidate if it weren't for his laziness and the fact that he has no ambition whatsoever. XD I worry though that either way it'll get to his head! I THINK he's sensible enough not to let it affect him TOO much, but ambition does funny things to people sometimes, and Akasaki hasn't had any major setbacks so far. (Which is part of why I liked him, of course -- it's nice to have just a solid, hard-working young player instead of a flaky genius or an insecure rookie or an older player who must learn to adapt -- but it also makes me worryyyyy.)

Story-wise, I do think he really has to make this one. Certainly, like I said, it would be an unexpected twist! While not totally illogical either -- Akasaki HAS in fact scored before this (he made an off-screen goal in episode 15 with an assist from Gino). And even if he doesn't.... I still think he made the right choice given the situation. Natsuki finally came to terms with himself, which in a story sense usually means success should follow soon (so the "expected" development would be that Natsuki made the first goal) -- but this series doesn't make things so easy and I think it does fulfill that arc in a more subtle way, in that Natsuki DID actually succeed in taking on the role Tatsumi meant for him. That is, to scare the opponent with his unpredictability and his thirst to score. The opening for Akasaki's cliffhanger attempt wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for the opposing goalie getting everyone to go for Natsuki. And once the opening was there... well, why not take it?


This series is nigh impossible to predict but I'm gonna guess that the three goals necessary for the win will be made by Akasaki (the cliffhanger goal), Sera (who reached that necessary determination on his own before Natsuki in the previous arc, and really needs some validation at this point), and maaaaaybe Natsuki but possibly someone else.

See, if Akasaki doesn't make his goal, I can't imagine how things will work out, though I'm sure they'd make it work regardless. But, y'know. Occam's Razor.

Next Sunday can not come too soon.


Anyway, I <3 my epic midfielder trio. (ETU actually has 5; one is Murakoshi who is also awesome in his own way, but the other is practically a nonentity, lol.) Of course I also really love mismatched defender duo Sugi & Kuro, but these three have been by far my favorite throughout the series.

I want a second season. T_T Or for someone to continue scanlating the manga at least (though I think the anime >>>>>>> manga for once)...

And just so you know, I was planning to write a more serious post before this episode just slayed meeeeeee. So either insomnia will win out and I'll write that original post anyway, or I'll save it for another day. XD

anime, giant killing

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