Jul 28, 2008 23:30



ALSO, there are now at least three new additions to the fanfic WIP list -- not counting the prompt fics which are STILL in the works. -_- asdfl;kjh I hate my brain.

Sometimes I think I like coming up with "witty"/concise summaries more than actually writing stuff.

I really need to focus on math. I really am not in the mood right now. Can't concentrate at all. I should probably go to bed early and wake up early tomorrow morning, when my head will (probably) clear a bit. Despite claiming to NOT be a morning person, I do tend to work better in the morning (assuming I get a good night's sleep) -- it's my creative juices that work better at night.

Also, a bunch of fansubs I've been waiting on just came out. >.< Arrrrgh. I don't think I can hold out until Wednesday!

(But I must. It would really suck for all my hard work thus far suddenly to go to waste now just because of my mood swings. -_-)


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