
Apr 21, 2008 23:25

Grumble. Dear student, I love you, but I am not your personal homework helper. I have work to do. Write your essay yourself. Instead of bugging me. And hanging out at my office. For hours.

(One of the drawbacks of living here. Bahhh.)

- - -

Also........ I am seriously @nal. After realizing that I couldn't keep all the details of my fic-verse straight, I started going through my notes/finished fic and writing out a timeline to make sure everything matches up/makes sense/is as canon as possible. I HAVE SO MANY FILES OPEN ALL AT ONCE (FE6 and FE7 support conversations, FE6 and FE7 scripts, artbook information, map...)

This is just sad. (And the timeline's still incomplete. Especially birthdates. A lot of which I HAD figured out a while ago but haven't gotten around to listing yet. Aghhh.)

The funny thing is, I'm more of a big picture person than a details person. But when I start worrying about how the big picture pieces together.... I get seriously obsessive. As is obvious. INTERNAL CONSISTENCY MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME. (I did similar stuff for Kakusei-verse. And for my original fiction. SO SAD.)

edit1 - 4/22 - updated version
edit2 - 4/23 - updated, minor corrections
edit3 - 4/24 - additions and corrections

0 - End of the Scouring

935 - Elbert born. (wild guess: Marcus served under Elbert as a page -- Eliwood/Marcus B, so Elbert must be at least 5 years or so older)

940 - Marcus born (estimate: knighted 17 years prior to Eliwood's Story -- Eliwood/Marcus C, in his 40s and then 60s according to artbook, and 23 is already pretty old to be getting knighted, all things considered), Wallace born ("only ten years old or so at the time [thirty years ago]" -- Renault/Wallace C,B).

950 - Oswin born (estimate: "fourteen years apart" -- Serra/Oswin A, in his 30s according to both support and artbook). Vaida born (general guess: artbook 30s, but young enough to be falling in love with Harken in his 20s, "young, earnest wyvern knight" -- Harken/Vaida A). Jodel's sister is killed, and Nimue and Jodel "break up" (estimate: "fifty years" -- Jodel/Nimue C).

951 - Harken born (estimate: artbook 20s, old enough to be falling in love with Vaida and calling her "young", Lowen's story in Harken/Lowen B, Harken's past as a knight under another lord in Harken/Marcus B).

952 - Elbert and Eleanora are engaged ("the same age you are now" -- Eliwood/Marcus A)... it sure takes them a darn long time to actually marry/have kids though. (At the very best -- putting down Elbert at the same minimum age as Marcus -- they get engaged in 957 but don't have Eliwood until six years later.) Legault born (general guess: artbook 20s, "I'm still in my twenties" -- Legault/Nino C, "an old leftover like me" -- Legault/Isadora C, "Matthew, you're a good kid" -- Legault/Matthew C).

953 - Pent born (general guess: artbook 20s, chooses Louise when she's 14 -- Louise/Rebecca B, becomes Mage General three years prior to FE7 -- Erk/Louise B).

955 - Isadora born (general guess: artbook 20s).

956 - Matthew born (general guess: artbook 20s, mentoring Guy -- Matthew/Guy supports, calling Hector "young master" -- Matthew/Hector supports, "Young folk these days" -- Matthew/Oswin C). Louise born (general guess: artbook 20s, "young woman like you" -- Heath/Louise C).

957 - Heath born (general guess: artbook 20s, "You are quite... young" -- Kent/Heath B).

958 - Sain born (general guess: artbook 20s, "older, wiser companion" -- Kent/Sain B).

959 - Kent born (general guess: artbook 20s, "for one so young" -- Lyn's Story ending for Kent). Geitz born (general guess: artbook 20s, Dart in his teens chewing him out -- Dart/Geitz supports, "A long time ago" -- Fiora/Geitz C).

961 - Raven born (artbook, Wil/Raven B), Fiora born (educated guess: spacing out all three sisters within the limits of artbook "teens")

962 - Rath born (artbook). Guy born (estimate: artbook teens, "left the tribe when I was young" -- Rath/Guy C). Dart born (general guess: artbook teens, relationship with Geitz -- Dart/Geitz supports, Rebecca latching onto Raven -- Rebecca/Raven supports).

963 - Madelyn elopes with Hassar ("Seventeen years ago" -- Kent/Wallace C; "16 years ago" -- Kent, Japanese Chapter 1). Wallace disobeys Hausen and spends "six months in the dungeon" (Kent/Wallace B). Eliwood born (artbook), Marcus "had just recieved the honor of knighthood" (Eliwood/Marcus C). Hector born ("since we were twelve" -- Eliwood/Hector C). Wil born (artbook, Wil/Raven B). Farina born (educated guess: artbook teens). Lowen born (estimate: as a squire, he can't be much older than this, artbook says he's in his teens).

964 - Lyn, Serra born (artbook), Priscilla born (educated guess, "only six years old" -- Lucius/Priscilla A)

965 - Rebecca born (artbook, Nino/Rebecca C), Erk born ("Three years ago [...] only 12" -- Erk/Louise B), Florina born (educated guess), Zephiel born (estimate: "coming of age" during FE7, artbook says teens and then 30s). The Kutolah shaman foresees a dark flame, and Rath is sent away from the tribe ("less than four" -- Lyn/Rath A).

966 - Igraine born (general guess: artbook 30s, "a friend of hers" -- Ninian/Hawkeye C). Astore born (general guess: artbook 30s, quite a bit younger than Hector from Lilina/Astore supports).

967 - Nino born (Japanese Nino/Rebecca C and Nino/Canas B)

968 - Dieck born (general guess: artbook 30s, "as if I were their real child" -- Klein/Dieck A). Geese born (general guess: artbook 30s, "My brother, Geese" -- Geitz/Fiora A). Echidna born (general guess: artbook 30s).

970 - Priscilla is fostered out to the Caerleons in Etruria ("only six years old" -- Lucius/Priscilla A). sometime afterwards, Lucius enters the service of House Cornwall ("some ten years now" -- Lucius/Priscilla A). Also this year, "the lords of Lycia held the oath rites" (Eliwood/Hector A) in Ostia, and Hector, Eliwood, and Erik of Laus meet for the first time at age 7ish. Pent chooses Louise to marry (Louise/Rebecca B).

973 - Juno and Sigune born (Sigune fic, "1000snows", artbook 20s). This winter, there is a major famine in Ilia (Sigune fic, "One bitter year" -- Fiora/Geitz C); Fiora, in training to become a pegasus knight, and Geitz, on his father's merchant boat, meet ("A long time ago" -- Fiora/Geitz C).

974 - Percival born (artbook 20s, "Thrush"), Miledy born (general guess: artbook 20s)

975 - Guinevere born (artbook), Prince Mildain of Etruria born (artbook 20s, "Thrush"), Eliwood and Hector begin sparring every two months (Eliwood/Hector C). Wil and Dart/Dan leave to go adventuring ("left home five years ago" -- Rebecca/Raven A, Dart/Wil A, Dart/Rebecca A), Dan loses his memories and becomes a pirate some months later ("five years" -- Dart/Wil A, Dart/Rebecca A).

976 - Cecilia born (artbook 20s, "Thrush"), Shin born (artbook 20s, "Left Behind").

977 - Lowen's grandfather dies ("three years ago" -- Lowen/Rebecca A). Pent becomes Mage General and brings home Erk as a student (Erk/Louise B). Guy leaves the Kutolah to train ("three years ago" -- Louise/Guy B). Dart and Geitz meet at Badon (general guess: Dart/Geitz A); soon afterwards, Geitz runs away.

978 - At some point House Cornwall falls ("two years ago" -- Lucius/Priscilla A, "two summers have passed" -- Raven/Lucius C). The Lorca tribe is decimated by bandits near the end of the year, soon after Madelyn sends a letter to her father Hausen. ALSO, Hugh is born ("two this year" -- Nino/Canas B).

979 - Hausen receives the letter in the beginning of the year, around winter's end ("... this year, we received a letter..." -- Sain, Chapter 1) Kent and Sain set off on their missions. A few weeks before the prologue, Lundgren starts poisoning Hausen ("abed for nigh on three months" -- Matthew, Chapter 8). "Six months" (Lyn, Prologue) after her tribe's massacre, Lyn finds Mark collapsed on the plains at around winter's end (judging from later weather conditions). They journey to Bulgar. Judging by the distance, just a teensy bit farther than the distance from Aquileia to Ostia (which Percival and Cecilia cover, on horse and presumably riding pretty hard through the night, in one day: "Yesterday, Sorcery General Cecilia informed me..." -- Percival, FE6 Chapter 8), as well as about twice the distance from Khathelet to Caelin ("about ten days' ride [i.e. while burdened with the other unmounted units]" -- Sain, Chapter 7) probably takes them two week on foot. Both the battles in the prologue and first chapter probably take only a day. ("That fight yesterday" -- Lyn, Prologue) In fact, it's probably pretty safe to equate each "turn" in Lyn's story to an hour. Lyn, now joined by Kent and Sain, obtains the Mani Katti at a small altar "on the outskirts of Bulgar" (Chapter 2) up in the mountains, i.e. probably just a day away, plus another day spent battling.

Next they pass through bandit-land in one of the mountain ranges, but I don't remember the exact area. Let's give it another two weeks though. They pick up Wil and Florina... insert another roughly day-long battle. Then westward to the abandoned bandit fortress, give or take another few days, and picking up Dorcas at the late afternoon/evening battle there ("stop for the night" -- Chapter 4). So now roughly more than a month's passed, and they head towards the Bern-Lycia border. ("Now, she rushes for the border..." -- Chapter 5) They meet up with Erk and Serra here (interestingly, this means Serra probably underwent clerical training in Bern as opposed to Lycia and/or Etruria). So let's give this battle a day, seeing as how it's just bandits. They make it to Araphen in another few days. ("takes her leave of one of these territories, Araphen" -- Chapter 6) Kent rides ahead to the castle and gets the marquess's promise for aid. Bandits attack the castle, Rath foils the assassination attempt on Lyndis, Matthew waits and watches, they all gang up and beat them off. Another day. At sunset (from what I recall of the background) Lyn leaves minus aid from the marquess and is joined by Rath.

Things start picking up. About a week later (Araphen-Khathelet distance is roughly equivalent to Khathelet-Caelin distance), they encounter Nils/Ninian/Lucius/Eliwood/Black Fang near Khathelet ("This is Khathelet." -- Kent, Chapter 7). I want to say that the ensuing battle takes them 2-3 days this time, since they have to go all around the mountains iirc. Assuming they go after Ninian's stolen ring, probably another day's ride in pursuit, and then they take on the fortress ("stronghold of an abandoned castle in Khathelet" -- Chapter 7x) that night ("you have until sunrise tomorrow" -- Ursula, Chapter 7x). Another week passes ("we can reach Castle Caelin in two more days if we hurry" -- Kent, Chapter 8). They're attacked by Caelin men -- another 2-3 days. Now it's been about two months.

Return to Khathelet ("Back to Khathelet!!" -- Lyn, Chapter 8) to get help from Eliwood kills another week. Stay in Khathelet for another week while Eliwood sends and receives messengers from surrounding marquesses. The fog rolls in ("This weather is turning foul" -- Sain, Chapter 9), which to me, as a Californian, indicates late fall, winter, or early spring -- but given the timing for the overall story (backstory + "one year" + Eliwood/Hector route), as well as later mentions of "clear, dry nights" (Lyn's Story epilogue), I can only place it in spring. They head "through General Eagler's estate" (Kent, Chapter 9), which should take another 3-4 days if not more, given the fog. Afterwards, another week (assuming not-so-great weather) to make it almost to the castle, at which point it starts raining ("Those clouds look bad" -- Lyn, Chapter 10). Which makes pushing towards the castle itself take probably another few days. And finally, Lundgren is pwned. All in all, about three months have passed in total.

At some point later this year, Lowen's father dies ("Six months ago" -- Lowen/Rebecca A). Also, Zeiss born (general guess: artbook 20s, "he's grown up so quickly" -- Miledy/Zeiss A).

980 - Almost "One Year Later", after "980 years" of peace (Chapter 11), Elbert disappears. After a month without any news, Eliwood sets out with Marcus and Lowen only. ("it looks like it's just the two of us/Not so" -- Eliwood/Marcus, Chapter 11) Bandits attack, Bartre, Dorcas, and Mark show up. Blah blah blah insert Eliwood/Hector story here. I pin down the story as finishing up within a year so that timing doesn't get messed up in regards to FE6, even though my personal inclination would be to give all those events at least two years.

981 - "One year later" (epilogue), but probably just weeks after the main storyline ends, both Hector and Eliwood become marquesses, talk about getting married soon to their respective lovers.

In my fic-verse ("No Time", "Night Before"), Oswin proposes to Serra, though their initally planned wedding backfires. Eliwood/Ninian get married ("Still Point"). Also, Percival goes to court for the first time.

Probably Ellen is born (general guess: artbook teens, overall maturity, close in age to Zeiss from Ellen/Zeiss supports), as is Thite (estimate: artbook teens, she's captain of a wing like Fiora). Near the end of the year, Klein is born (artbook, Pent/Louise A).

982 - A few months later, Oswin and Serra finally get married in a smaller ceremony ("No Time") than the bigger wedding that takes place at the same time between Hector and Florina. At some point, Karel and Guy, having spread a reputation as "Saint of Swords" (Guy ending) meet to have a legendary Saint vs. Demon duel ("in a year's time" -- Karel/Guy B,A). They end up in a draw, but Guy eventually dies from the sustained wounds (fic-verse).

983 - Astore tries to steal from Castle Ostia and starts working under Hector as a spy (general guess as to timing, which must be pre-Lilina's birth: Lilina/Astore supports).

984 - Cecilia's mother dies and she meets Percival and Mildain for the first time ("Sand&Moonlight"). Sue is born (artbook teens, "Left Behind"). Hausen dies, Lyn abdicates and leaves for the plains, Kent becomes steward of Caelin, Sain goes to Ilia and joins Fiora's mercenary band ("Wherever", "Waiting", "1000snows", Lyn solo ending, Kent solo ending, Sain/Fiora ending). Etrurian mages, working together with a few mages from Bern, finish developing the Aircalibur spell ("1000snows").

985 - Roy, Wolt, and Lilina are born (artbook age, "same age" -- Wolt/Marcus B, educated guess); Ninian dies in childbirth, and Roy is given to Rebecca to nurse instead ("Still Point", "milk brothers" -- Wolt/Marcus B). Lalam, Cath born (general guess: artbook teens). Priscilla turns down Erk's marriage proposal ("Thrush"). Klein is saved from a lion at Aquileia's best arena by Dieck, and Dieck joins the Reglay household ("15 years ago" -- Klein/Dieck A). And Fiora is reinstated as captain of the Fifth Wing ("1000snows"); Juno and Sigune begin training under her, and become fierce rivals to each other (Sigune fic, Juno/Noah B).

986 - Clarine is born (educated guess: "I was still little" -- Clarine/Dieck A), Thany is born (educated guess: like Florina in Lyn's Story, she's doing her year of training during FE6), Mildain demands that Klein become his little brother (estimate: Klein/Elphin A). Chad is born (educated guess: he's the oldest of the Araphen orphens -- "I'm older" -- Chad/Lugh B).

987 - Dieck leaves the Reglays ("13 years" -- Klein/Dieck C). Sigune and Juno go off on their requisite one year of training (Sigune fic). Kent and Lyn reunite on the plains ("Waiting"). Lugh/Lleu born ("two years younger than Master Roy" -- Ellen/Lugh C).

988 - Percival becomes squire to Douglas, and soon afterwards, his knight father dies ("Sand&Moonlight"). After that, Cecilia invites Percival to her place and chaos ensues (fic-verse, Cecilia/Saul A).

This same year, Zephiel kills his father (estimate: "I was but a child then" -- Guinevere, FE6 Chapter 20, which makes it a bit of a stretch to pin it down here as she's thirteen at this point, but iirc Eliwood and Hector are discussing the new king in the "15 years later" scene as if it just happened recently; at any rate it's safe to assume that the news of this is very ambiguous when it happens and probably doesn't leak out until a few years from now).

Elsewhere, Sigune and Juno become fully fledged pegasus knights (Sigune fic, "1000snows"). And even more tragedy: Florina falls ill and dies ("1000snows"). Afterwards, Fiora becomes General of the pegasus knight division ("1000snows").

989 - Cecilia begins studying magic under Pent and Erk, while Percival goes with Douglas to fight in Ilia-Etruria border campaign, where he ends up having an affair of sorts with Sigune, whose squad is hired by the Etrurians (Sigune fic).

990 - Hector, concerned about various strange rumors flying around about Zephiel and the question of the Bernese kingship, sends Matthew and Astore on a disastrous mission to Bern. Legault gives them info, but while in Bern Keep Matthew and Astore are caught, and Matthew sacrifices himself in order to buy time for Astore to escape ("Thunder"). Astore obtains a serious leg injury that never fully heals but manages to escape to the desert, where he collapses and is found by Igraine (Astore/Wendy B, Astore/Igraine C). Sigune's squad's contract expires, she breaks off the affair with Percival, who is knighted soon afterwards, after proving his worth (Sigune fic).

991 - Cecilia enlists in the Etrurian army ("Thrush"). Igraine gives birth to a daughter (estimate: Igraine/Fa B). Sigune and Juno become captains of wings ("ex-captain" -- Juno, Chapter 20B, Sigune fic). Jaffar goes missing in order to hide from bounty hunters, Nino drops her twins off with Lucius at the Araphen orphange, and goes after him ("Sunlight", "Gray Men", Lucius ending, Nino/Jaffar ending, "died when I was four" -- Lugh/Miledy A). Legault tries to help them hide, but hears of their deaths a few months later ("Gray Men").

992 - Cecilia accidentally scars Mildain on the shoulder ("Sand&Moonlight", Cecilia/Elphin B). Rath leaves the Kutolah a second time ("Left Behind").

993 - Cecilia joins Percival at the border for the last year of the campaign ("Sand&Moonlight"). Sigune becomes a mentor to Thite (Sigune fic, "Captain Sigune" -- Thite, Chapter 19B).

994 - Percival becomes Knight General upon their return from the border campaign, starts hanging out with Klein ("Thrush").

995 - Astore has regained his memories by this point; when bandits attack Arcadia, presumably killing his and Igraine's daughter (estimate: Igraine/Fa B,A), he goes off, kills them all (Astore/Igraine B), and returns to Ostia to give Hector a very belated report on the situation in Bern ("Thunder").

"15 years later..." (special epilogue scene) Eliwood and Hector meet for the first time in a long while, Roy and Lilina meet for the first time at age 10. Cecilia is shipped off to Ostia to teach kids from Lycian noble families (estimate, "while I was studying in Ostia" -- Roy, FE6 Chapter 7). The various marquesses of Lycia renew their oaths and Eliwood shows the first signs of his illness (fic-verse).

Same year, Juno meets Zealot in Etruria (Thany/Zealot B), retires, and gets married to him. (estimate in terms of timing: "You retired long ago" -- Zealot, Chapter 20B). Sigune begins to garner her reptuation as the "White Devil" (Sigune fic, village in Chapter 19B).

996 - Douglas adopts Lalam (general guess: "just when I thought I had saved you" -- Douglas, FE6 Chapter 16)

997 - Roy starts studying in Ostia ("3 years ago" -- Roy/Lilina B). Later that year, Pent resigns his Mage General title and Cecilia is recalled from Ostia as his successor ("Thrush", "The former Sorcery General wanted you as his successor" -- Cecilia/Douglas B, "When I was pulled from Ostia" -- Cecilia/Lilina A). Hugh is sent off by Nimue to go on a training journey ("It's been three years" -- Hugh/Nimue C). Pretty soon into the journey, he meets Lleu while on the road; they travel together for a few days before Lleu ends up lifting the Nosferatu tome Nimue gave him ("Gray Men", "I met this kid..." -- Hugh/Nimue B). Hugh takes the opportunity to give up dark magic entirely and go into anima ("Gray Men").

998 - Hugh meets Legault while wandering through Bern; hijinks ensue ("Gray Men"). Also, Eliwood is no longer able to hide his illness (estimate: "your father and my father were still well" -- Roy/Lilina B). In a related incident, Lowen is crippled either in battle or in an accident, and so settles down to an early retirement and starts working as head chef for Eliwood instead (fic-verse). Marcus, who had been eyeing Lowen to succeed him upon his retirement as head of the knights of Pherae, starts searching for a new replacement (Lowen ending, Marcus/Lance A, Marcus/Alan A, Marcus/Wolt A).

999 - Bern invades Sacae and Ilia. Edessa is the first to fall in Ilia ("1000snows"). Klein becomes Archer General (estimate: "least experienced and weakest generals" -- Percival/Klein C), shortly before Mildain is "assassinated" ("suddenly passed away last year" -- Roy, FE6 Chapter 9). After the assassination, Klein is sent to the Western Isles ("I was stationed in the Western Isles" -- Klein/Elphin C), where he presumably meets Thite. Lalam meets Echidna there as well and joins up with the resistance force while "Elphin" suffers from fever for a few months and is given medicine by the rebels, eventually joining up as well (Elphin/Percival recruitment -- FE6 Chapter 13 or 15). Bulgar falls within a few months (estimate: "several months after you gave me that order" -- Shin/Dayan C). Juno gives birth to a daughter while Zealot is gone ("a newborn baby" -- Zealot/Juno B).

1000 - Events of FE6. Hector dies. Also killed are Vaida ("Waiting"), Sain ("1000snows"), Lucius/Raven ("Sunlight", Lucius ending, Ellen/Chad A, Hugh/Chad B).

- - -

As for non-fandom stuff. Have figured out a vague outline of future plans. Hopefully can convince the parents, uughhhh. Will post on that some other day. If I don't die from a combination of stress/overwork/stupidity/incoming time of month/birthday blues.

fanfic, fire emblem, education/teaching, whining

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