Oh, Don't mind me, I am just cross posting =.=;;
static_abyss and
junjou_robotica SHIMIN OUR LIVES MAN, SIMIN ♥
Yay to this Community. Yay to SiMin. Yay to everything. ^_^♥
Title: Cat Lady
Pairing: Siwon/Sungmin; BFF!Sungmin/Eunhyuk
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Summary: Hyukjae thinks Sungmin would be a good cat lady.
Heechul Hyung is not a virgin. Title: Broken Perfection
Pairing: Siwon/Sungmin; Siwon/Heechul
Rating: PG15
Genre: Romance/Angst/(barely there) Smut/ Workforce!AU
Summary: He doesn't deserve it, but he needs it.
His heart broke everytime, but it didn't hurt anymore