Nov 08, 2004 19:42
Man I am sooo frieking screwed! LOL I havent done anything else on NaNoWriMo and it's due by November 30th. Heh Hopefully I'll get close to it.
But homework comes first. :) I have a short paper due tomorrow, and another due on Thursday! :) I'll have to figure out how I am going to do this because my comp had to go into the shop this week...go figure. Damned fan would go out the week I needed it! Oh woe is me! *whines and cries* Okay pity party done. I just needed a minute :) THanks for listening! :)
I miss having a desktop! I really do. The comfort level is nice because everything is spread out. :) I think I may get another desktop as soon as I get the extra money. Hell...anymore they're only like 300-600 after tax. :) No worries :) Hell if Dave gets a laptop, I'll just snag this computer back and not spend a damned dime! :) Then again since he bought it off of me, I should give him his money back if he does get another comp. :) It's only right. I think I'll do that. He'll enjoy it! :) He won't be expecting it. But I dunno. it all depends on wether or not I get a new one for a good deal. :)
I got a new filing cabinet and that is helping me to become more organized already! I have my class critiques in it on my stories and I am going to start putting more stuff in there to to work on. :) Hopefully I can get most of the papers off my floor. My floor was my previous filing cabinet. :)
Awww...I had a kitty laying on my lap despite the keyboard that was on it. Heh she just left because my arms were moving too much while I typed. Oh well, better for me because that way I can type better.:)
I just had a really good debate on my guild board in Neopets. :) It was a hell of a lot of fun, and it got me into the mood to write my paper. Which is basically what I did, except I did it in outline format. :) Now to just organize all these thoughts and snippits into a coherent thought.
As you can tell I am in an excellent mood and I honestly have no clue why. :D Actually the debate over the meaning of archaic put me in a really great mood! Definantly mentally stimulating! I love being gemini! Then again it can be a bad thing because these types of debates are few and far between. Oh well :) When they happen, it's great! :D
Okay now to do homework. I'll bust my ass this weekend and get NaNoWriMo close to being done! :D Talk to you all later! Cya!