
Oct 30, 2004 12:48

Oh man...this week has been absolutely crazy!!


This day really not much happened other than I had to work and do a shitload of homework. Was still in the middle of a huge fight with a friend. But oh well...not much really happened.


I had to work my ass off to get a paper done and shit like that. Good lord. Classes went okay. Although my last class was awesome! I presented my hypothesis on a particular subject (Dickenson's Wild Nights!) and it just went from there. They (my classmates) were all dancing around the subject of sex so I was just like "Oh....well I took the phrase Wild Nights to be a wild night of passion...maybe....a night chock full of.........sex." *insert proper hand motions* Good lord....The teacher even wrote sex on the board and it just became a whole huge hour long discussion on one poem. I was quite proud. This, I have to say, was the best class period I have been in since college started. It is what I thrive for....holy cow I loved every second of it. I felt bad because Crystal (a girl in my class) caught me after coming out of the bathroom and was like "I hope we didn't offend you or anything.." (she's always so sweet) and I was like O.O "Are you kidding?! That was great!!" She left with a huge smile on her face. I was quite pleased...I could go on and on about that class...it was totally great!
After classes I had work, no biggie.
Then after work I had the poetry meeting for the Broken Plate. It was cool, but none of the readers showed up because they all had prior commitments or no ride. It wasn't a huge thing though. I had two reader's opinion and they mostly agreed on everything so it was cool. It was me Kris and Trent there. Fun times. :) I had so much fun, it was great. :D
At this point I think I am getting sick because I just dont feel good anywhere at all.


I got paid today. :) YAY!!!! Money. Takes a lot of the pressure off of me. Although I am going to scrimp on my money to keep saving up for the summer so I don't HAVE to work if I dont want to during the break from school. I may ask my boss if there was any way I could keep working through the summer so I can prepare for September's exam. Because that is usually a huge exam and I dont want to be caught off guard again. We had like 1150 students sign up for it this last time and it was hell trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing. Man...it was not pretty. I screwed up good a couple times, but they gave me a second chance and I'm fine now...heh. I think they just said that because it's a good scare tactic. Hell it worked with me lol.

Went to work, no big deal. Did some homework that was due the next day. Didn't really do that much that day. Got a few sections of the writing comp exam labeled. Boring. Heh...

Talked with that friend that night...it went okay. Not good not bad...just okay. Lets just say I am addicted to Wendy's now. :D YUM!

Had Ficiton 3 that night. Oh my it was pretty cool. I am having to realize that since they didn't talk about what all happened in my story and talked about the technicalities, that they couldn't find anything wrong with it. I'm like wow...I mean this was the story that got butchered last year because of the dumb fuck magazine majors who hated everyone in that class and thought they were better than everyone. Fuckers. They can go to hell for all I care. Even Margie agreed that it was a great story and since they did have to pick at the technicalities then the story is so tight that it leaves little room for the reader to not believe stuff. I was still disappointed though because the critique was about the technicalities. I mean they didn't talk about the themes, ideas, etc in the story at all. It was rather disappointing....At least it didn't get reamed like it did last time...I guess. Several of the critiques I got back were just a paragraph long. What the hell man? I go through all the trouble of typing up PAGE LONG SINGLE SPACED critiques and all I get is a paragraph? What bs...that's shit man. I threw all the paragraph long ones away after gleaning what little I could from them (like 1-2 things I think, out of 3). Yeah it sucked. I was rather pissed off at the fact that I go through all that effort to give them good critiques and all I get is a god damned paragraph. I even will gush for a page about their piece if I love it. Yeah I'm pissed. Im glad I will never get another critique from this particular class because of the bs that they pull. And the people who are going to be in the class next semester will recieve the critiques that they gave me. Short, unindepth, no opinions, all what I want not giving a shit about what they want, and shit. Because that's what a paragraph long critique is, absolute shit. It still insults me to this day that they did that. Basically by only writing a paragraph they are telling me that they didn't care enough to actually read the story and just wrote some shit down picking on ONE thing that they found. Ya know what fuck 'em...Im tired of being insulted. So they're going to get turn around next semester. I don't forget shit like this. And then the fuckers edit for what THEY WANT NOT what the author intened. Ya know what? That isn't how to edit. You keep in mind what the author wanted to accomplish and try and help them achieve it. You don't tell an author "This is what *I* want to see happen" unless you're editing for mass media. Then it's okay, but I dont edit for mass media. I am one of the old school editors who try to help the author get what they want to, done. I don't see the logic in trying to force the author to change things because often you will insult the author and drive them away. So yeah...Sorry about my little rant. I'll shut up about that now.

After class was cool though. A few of us stayed in the room for an hour or so afterwards and talked. It was good times.


Busted ass to get another report done. No biggie. I got it done...but man...today I felt like shit...Complete and utter shit. I left my last class for about 15 minutes because it was so hot in there and I felt like I was suffocating. It sucked horribly. Thankfully, I coold off and then I felt better. :D

Went to work...no biggie there. Didn't really do anything though. lol Not much to do. I can get all the stuff done by the appointed day.

Had the prose meeting tonight. :) It went well. Two of the readers showed up. YAY! I didn't have to run it either. Shane ran it and it went smoothly. Thankfully we accepted a fiction piece. :) It's our first *accepted* submission. YAY!

Went home and just layed around all night because I still felt like shit. Sleeping all night was wonderful. :)


Got up and went to massage therapy. Thank GOD I went because I was so kinked up. It was really painful, but I felt so much better after it. :) Thank you Rhonda!! She's my massage therapist. Apparently there is a tissue that runs in a layer all through your body and it had got kinked up. That's why I felt like my rib was out all week. It was kinked in a spot and was pulling on the rib. So the rib wasn't out...just strained. It's always amazing that a single muscle/tissue can do that.

I am also getting the ball rolling on sueing the people who fucked up my car. Right now it looks like I am going to be sueing for over 3K. Thank God because it's going to take that much to fix the poor car...:( I feel so bad for my car. It's been through so much because of them. I just hope that it hangs on a bit longer. :) Yay!

I also got the electric bill for this month today. It was only 33 dollars. SWEET!!! We put florescent bulbs in all the major lights we used and the bill dropped 11 dollars!! FUCK YEAH!!! The bulbs have already paid for themselves in ONE BILL! Sweet. :) And we even ran the heater the whole time. Now mind you the heater still uses electric for all the motors even though it is Natural Gas. I am dreading that bill but the last one was only 28 so it wasn't a big deal. :) The 28 was with even running the heater all month long. YAY for being efficient. Gotta love knowing how to scrimp money. That means I have more money to do fun stuff with. :D Like eating Wendy's :P lol.


So far, nothing going on today. I slept in until 11am. It was wonderful especially after feeling so bad throughout this whole week. I just installed my webby cam. :) Now I can get the piccies off of it that I took of my car and the damages. Blah...I have to take more piccies. This is depressing.

And I get to play Cool Sam at the mall tonight! It's my mom's bank's mascot. I always have so much fun because I am a gigantic penquin. It's fun! :) Plus I get 25 for two hours. I got the check on Wednsday so yeah. :) I get paid like...12.50/hour for doing it. :D YAY!!!

Okay but that was my week. I'll try to update again soon, but no guarauntees. Most likely I will though. :)

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