Blogging out of style?

May 25, 2014 20:05

So I've been wondering. Where the hell is everyone? I don't get post updates from anyone anymore. I figure maybe everyone is moving to a new web journal or maybe they just don't think updating people about their lives is important anymore. How depressing! Guys if you are all hiding somewhere let me know so I can join you! I'm all alone :(

So yesterday I was carrying a bucket of water to a horse and the hooks on my boots caught the laces and I fell on concrete. I hit my knees hard but most of my weight was caught by my free hand bending it back to my forearm. I'm currently wearing a brace to keep my hand from hurting itself more. I think it might have survived damage to the bone, but it is very sore and my two outer fingers don't like moving.

Wasn't that fascinating? Come on you guys, share some stories! I feel like you all died!
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