New earrings for my Copper Coffee collection. This time coffee beans are dangling on a chain.
copper dangle earrings (about 3'' long)
30 USD
for sale on etsy Handcrafted copper coffee bean beads are hanging on a delicate copper chain and patinated handmade copper ear wires.
These beads I made out of copper clay which is fabulous material! Small particles of copper first are handled as clay, dried and than fired and become 99.9% pure copper. These beads are not molded, each one was hand sculptured separately, so each coffee bean is different and unique.
Copper coffee beads look so real and organic! I just love them and hope you will love them too!
These are pretty long earrings - full length is about 3'' (8cm). The beads are of real coffee bean size.
Long dangle earrings look cool, however in case you like the design but need a shorter earrings - tell me, I can adjust the length for you.
tin_liva за идею с зернышками на цепочке! Лива, без тебя я бы не стала воевать с такой мелкой цепочкой за подвешивание к ней зернышек;) Но зато они теперь висят-болтаются. Не три правда, а только парочка, но зато сережек сразу две;) Очень милые и прикольные сережки вышли. Жаль, у меня шея недостаточно длинная, а то бы сама носила. Ну хоть поиграюсь и полюбуюсь. Сережки вместе со швензами почти 8см длинной ("болтающаяся" часть - 6см). Кому?;)