Title: Tuna~
Pairing: Ohno Satoshi / Sakurai Sho
Genre: Crack ; Fluff
Word Count: 1,113
Disclaimer: I wish I owned the characters *sigh*
ministryofbees (Tia-chan~ thanks for always helping me out XD)
Note: Cause Tia said I needed to add more "kyaa~! <3" XD
“Hey, Sho-kun,” Ohno called out in a faint voice, staring attentively at the man who was stirring some sugar into a cup of coffee in front of him. “Hai?” the other man replied while carefully lifting up his cup. As he was sipping his coffee, Ohno continued, “Sho-kun, you’re like a tuna,” effectively making Sho spurt out the black liquid from his mouth. “Ah, that’s disgusting!” he exclaimed, wiping his mouth with the back of his cardigan sleeve.
The room was filled with silence, and a few seconds after, Jun was trying to stop his voice from shaking as he asked, “I thi-think my ears were playing a trick on me... But... Sho-chan, did Leader just call you... a fish?” The other two, Aiba and Nino, couldn’t hold it in any longer as they broke out in hysterical laughter.
Sho, trying to calm himself down as traces of annoyance still lingered on his face, turned to Ohno and said huffily, “Why, am I like, a… fifi-fi-fish?” “Tuna~” the older man cheerfully corrected him. “Why?” he grumbled, still looking for answers. “Eh? Cause tunas have a big build, similar to you,” the older man replied, with an expression as if what he said was normal, although without a doubt, his comparison was logical.
“Then what about Jun?” and an immediate reply came, “Fighting fish.” Jun was about to ask for the reason but Sho hastily continued. Pointing to the tallest, he asked, “Then, Aiba?” “Clownfish,” came another swift response. He pointed to the shortest without removing his gaze from Ohno, “How about Nino?” and without flinching, Ohno answered, “Goldfish.”
“Wait a minute! Why are we all pet fishes while Sho-chan’s a--“ Nino’s words were cut off when they were called for their next taping. Ohno on the other hand, quite understood what Nino was trying to say but with a silent smirk, he just shrugged his shoulders as they filed out of the room.
A few days later, Sho was still annoyed at their Leader for calling him a tuna, especially since the object of Jun and Nino’s teasing had turned to him. They have now perfectly replaced his name with Tuna. For the sake of professionalism, he had to lock away these unpleasant feelings towards the older man as he went with the latter to go to a fishing trip for a magazine article.
Ohno, thrilled and eager about the trip, prepared everything they would need, including Sho’s portion of food, and also some towels and boots for the guy. Gradually, the taller man forgot about his lingering annoyance to their obviously very happy Leader and really enjoyed the trip from the bottom of his heart.
He was taught how to use a fishing rod by the master himself, in which case, Master Ohno guided him step by step, and positioning himself behind Sho, with his arms extended barely touching the younger man’s waist as he gripped the bigger hands holding the rod. For some unknown reason, Sho felt his heart beat faster, and he suddenly began to realize how manly Arashi’s leader is.
“Did you get it, Sho-kun?” the master called out to him but he was too distracted by the loud thumps his heart is producing. In order to grab his attention, Ohno moved a bit further, allowing more space between them for him to be able to pull the taller man by the arm till his face was near his, and blow some warm air on his right ear, making it tingle and turn to a shade of pink. The taller man immediately covered his right ear at the act and raised a completely confused look on his face while Ohno chuckled and said in a slightly amused tone, “You weren’t listening to me at all~”
In order to avoid anymore embarrassment, Sho tried to focus on what was being taught to him, and all his efforts have been rewarded as he had successfully caught a large bass. Unfortunately, his catch still couldn’t compare to the Master’s larger one. When they started to feel hungry, Ohno handed him some boiled eggs to eat, to his surprise, Ohno already removes the egg shells before giving each egg to him. He couldn’t help but smile whenever Ohno hands him out an egg. While eating, Ohno enthusiastically explained to him, “Sho-kun, these boiled eggs are the best food to eat while fishing. Cause you can eat them with one hand while you hold your rod on the other!” “Eh? If that’s the case, can’t you also eat sandwiches?” Sho absentmindedly asked, leaving Ohno shocked. Are? He didn’t think of that before? Sho tried to wipe the shock on Ohno’s face by following with, “Ah! But I guess you’re right, cause unlike sandwiches, you can eat eggs in one or two bites!” now the shorter guy had an I-told-you-so kind of smug look.
The whole trip lasted for about 5 hours, and they stopped because it was already getting very hot due to the sun’s strong rays. Their total catch was 9 fishes, 5 of which, they returned to the sea and the remaining, they cooked.
Ohno grilled the fish they caught and gave Sho the biggest one, saying that Sho needs to eat more since he’s been worried about his health because he’s always so busy. After that was the last part of the whole trip which is the interview. Sho was asked on his thoughts on the whole fishing trip and answered that he was really happy to be given a chance to learn about their Leader’s hobby. As he said it, a faint smile appeared on the older man’s lips. It seemed like the latter enjoyed it too since he got to do what he liked doing without feeling that it’s for work. He was then asked how he felt when he found out that their leader chose him, instead of Jun, to be part of his fishing shoot, “Eh? I didn’t hear about that…” turning to Ohno, “Is that true, Leader?” and the other man just smirked and shrugged his shoulders off.
Then came Ohno’s turn on the interview, after asking a few questions regarding how he felt about the trip, this question came up: “Ohno-san, what fish do you like catching best?” He met Sho’s stare and grinned before answering, “Tuna.” Sho suddenly remembered the talk from before. Then Ohno was asked to explain the reason.
Without averting his gaze from the other man, he smirked and said, “After I catch it,” pausing for a while as he licked his lower lip, “I’m gonna thoroughly enjoy its delightful taste.” Quickly looking away, Sho’s face flushed a bright red.
As usual, comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated!
like that one on the Note part *points at the top* - needs more "kyaa~! <3" ahaha really wanna know your opinion :)