Title: We Live in Deeds
Chapter: Little Kindnesses
little_swirl Fandom: Repo! the Genetic Opera
Pairing: Graverobber/Shilo (eventually)
Rating: PG-13/T+ (will go up)
Word Count: 2084
Summary: 'Her name was Shilo Wallace once.' The aftermath of Opera, and the beginning of a new chapter in the city's history.
Warning: Language, violence, and inferences to mature themes.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I'm merely playing in the genius world created by DLB, DS, and TZ . I do not have any claims to the poetry used either.
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The very idea that someone was out there, somehow hacking into Geneco’s computer database and adding their own bar code numbers, was crazy. Add to that the fact that they were then tattooing these numbers on people to keep them from having to go for surgery, and you’ve got yourself a bunch of people basically committing very complicated suicide.