
Jul 12, 2007 16:22

Saw OotP last night with lady_sometimes and slinger8. And...

I wanted so badly to like this movie. I'd spoiled myself a little bit with a few of the clips and picture and behind-the-scenes specials that have been floating around, and I'd really, really liked what I saw. Only, a lot of that stuff didn't make the final cut of the movie. Like the whole Snape's Worst Memory scene... which was, what, a whole 5 seconds, and which cut out the bit with Lily and James and everything. And shots of Lupin at the Ministry actually, y'know, doing stuff. And heaps of other stuff that I can't even remember. Bits of dialogue that were *perfect* in these previews were changed for less perfect bits of dialogue.

I think the main problem, though, was that it just went too quickly. It really could have been longer. Really. And I'm not just saying that as a ridiculous fan. I mean, it just seemed incomplete. I'm really not sure how you could understand this movie without having read the book. Nothing was explained (not even, y'know, the fact that Sirius died and didn't just float away lamely through this thing that was never really spoken about again and didn't even look like a veil omg), lots of things were only alluded to (which is fine, I supose, unless they're actually significant to the plot), none of the scenes felt finished, and just seemed to randomly skip around between plot lines with little feel for overall narrative flow. It just didn't really feel like a *story*, y'know?

And it didn't even have Harry getting angry with Dumbledore at the end.

But I think the main problem was pacing. What I absolutely adored about this book was the psychology, the pathos, the horrible, frustrating sense of stagnation and inability to do anything. But the movie moved so quickly and didn't convey that sense at all.

And apart from a couple of memorable moments, the gay was sadly lacking. And (not unrelatedly) there was nowhere near enough of Lupin. *pout*

But the thing that irked me the most was the way they actually actively changed the characterisations of some of the best characters in the scenes I was really looking forward to seeing.

For example:

* Harry gives Lucius the prophecy. Seriously, wtf. No way. Just - no.

* Sirius calling Harry James just before he dies... Yeah. Way to ruin the moment.

* Sirius being killed by the avada kedavra and not by falling through the veil (this is a bit of a sore spot, because I've seen so many people argue that he was killed before he went through the veil in the book, when he *clearly* wasn't. (I know it's not a characterisation issue, but still. Really, now.)

* Dumbledore. WTF. I really wanted to like Michael Gambon's version, and I actually did quite like him in PoA. But since then... um. No. There's nothing of the lighter side of Dumbledore in his acting, and no sense whatsoever that he cares particularly about Harry at all.

* Bellatrix. I just knew Helena would overplay it and just do her stock cackling maniac-with-crazy-hair act. Hm. I must be psychic.

Bah. What I really wanted was that scene at Malfoy Manor that Jason Isaacs was talking about. He said it would have been a crime if it was cut out. And it was! Woe.

But yeah. There was stuff that was good, too...

* The (subtle) couply vibe that Sirius and Remus had going, with their sitting just that bit too close to each other near the start and those significant glances and that one shot of Lupin after Sirius died. Wah. Even if the angsty aftermath was totally glossed over.

* Snape (for a change). For the last couple of movies I've really not been too fond of Alan Rickman's interpretation of Snape. I know! Seriously. He's just seemed far too restrained, always acting far too cultured for a bitter, over-emotional prat like Snape (Incidentally, this is what I adore about book!Snape). But in the movies, it's always been a bit too much of the stock-Alan-Rickman-baddie, if you know what I mean. I think PoA was the clincher for me on this - I was so looking forward to seeing him absolutely lose it like he does in the book, but he just... didn't. But in this movie he was really quite good. He was way more emotional and nasty to Harry, which is just the way it should be, and was perfect and bitter when talking about James and needling Sirius. Though he *is* still a good 20 years too old for the character.

* Grimmauld Place was *perfect*, as was Kreacher. I thought it was okay that we didn't really get to see Mrs Black's portrait, because the muttered conversations with Kreacher gave a good sense of the creepiness of it all.

* Neville. Just, yes. D'aw.

* Harry (and the Harry-Sirius thing). It's so good that Dan's reached the point where I can actually believe his performances as Harry. Because if he couldn't act well enough, this movie would have sucked. But it didn't. And he does angst so well. Even if his hair is terrible and so not Harry. Aw.

I tell you what, though. There'd better be an extensive selection of deleted scenes on the DVD... unlike the ones on the other movies which have been pitiful. *sob*

Ah well, I'm seeing it again at IMAX tonight... apparently the last 20 minutes are in 3D (or at least they were going to be in the US). Nothing better than an enormous projected image of Gary Oldman to cure what ails you, eh?

But yeah. I did like it, overall. I just wish it wasn't cut so short (probably in the quest to appeal to little children who might get bored if it's too long and teenagers who might get bored if it's not exciting enough all the time).

Yeah. Now I'm just not sure I'm quite emotionally ready for next Saturday...
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