It's not a genre I usually find myself recommending, but
this is possibly the greatest video on the subject of male pregnancy, liek, EVAR.
I LOL'd so loudly. At work. YES.
In conclusion, I have no self-control. WHATSOEVER. I swore that I wouldn't spoil myself past 2x10. Then, having already heard about certain scenes in 2x11, I totally went and spoilered myself. Which was... okay. Because that wasn't really one of the episodes I was OMGLOOKINGFORWARDTO. But then I swore I wouldn't spoil myself for the final two episodes. Long story short, I now know more than I ever wanted to about episode 13 (aka the ONE episode I totally was never ever going to spoil myself for). But yeah. Suspect I've totally ruined it for myself. Wah. And then, because I have to wait a whole year, or whatever, for more episodes, I'll be desperate enough for whatever spoilers I can get that I'll totally read them, and then THE WHOLE CYCLE REPEATS ITSELF. *wail*
This Torchwood shit is like a drug. FOR SRS.
And don't even get me started on the Doctor Who S4 finale. For which I am also spoiled :(
OMG. Seriously, OMG. No, no no no no. This is the first show I've ever liked where I like all the characters and really enjoy the dynamic. It's only series 2! Too early to kill off major-major-major characterS (and - omg, plural! *sad*). Wah. POOR TOSH! OWEN! Noo! But at least Owen had storylines! Characterisation! Tosh? Doomed romances and lots of pining. Because THAT'S WHAT GEEKY GIRLS DO, APPARENTLY. *cough* I must admit that I got a bit worried when I heard about their big, explain-all storylines in episode 12. But I didn't think they'd do this, at least not so soon! Plz to have one more series with them at least, Mr RTD? :(
That said...
Yay, Victorian-era ruthless Torchwood!Lesbians killing Jack repeatedly and then recruiting him!!1! :)))) This show totally needed some good f/f to compensate for the amazing LACK of promised boykissing. Even if it is subtextual f/f.
Ianto attacked by ninja monks? I should probably not admit this, but I do enjoy seeing him in peril. In a completely non-maternal way, you understand. *leers*
In conclusion, if Gray turns out to be anything less than appallingly attractive, I am going to be Moste Upsette. He's playing Jack's brother after all. Though I'm thinking that if I don't know how he looks before we see him at the end of 2x12, I'll consider that a triumph of non-spoileriness. And I only have to wait until Saturday!!!
Aaah. End of series! DO NOT WANT :-O
Gah. And now I have to go to uni. CAN'T BE BOTHERED. This subject is the dullest subject ever. Internship, what? I'm only doing it because it was the main reason I chose the course in the first place, and now I feel obliged. Thing is, I already have a job - a good job - and I kind of resent having to do all this job application-CV-cover letter-career plan nonsense even when I'm looking for a job. For 10% of my mark? Doesn't seem so worth it. Bah. I'll hand it in tomorrow. Whatevar.
I know, I know, shut up and get to uni. Yes sir.