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Jan 06, 2003 22:49

I was planning on going to bed early tonight, but I had to get up again. Restless legs again. I mentioned it a while back. It's gotten bad in the past few weeks, where I thankfully hadn't had it in a year or more. What is it? Restless Leg Syndrome

It's not too bad for me, only happens occasionally, usually when either trying to fall asleep or watching a movie. When it comes on, I have to move my legs and keep them moving. Sometimes I'll just stand for a while, or squatting helps too. But neither make it actually go away, doing so merely temporarily lessens the restless sensation. Distractions help too - keeping busy, keeping it out of mind is a major help. My diet does change a bit during winter break, so I wonder if that's why it's become annoying lately.

Since I'm divulging medical problems, my other problem is one that for many years I was unable to describe properly. Now, thanks to the internet, I've found it has a name. "Scintillating scotoma". Sounds exciting, eh? It first happened to me when I was in junior high school, and I've had it ever since. I can go weeks or months without having one, but often they come in pairs or several times in the space of a few days. Basically it's a symptom of a migraine headache, but I don't usually get the headache itself. Therefore the condition is little more than an annoyance, and it does impair my vision for about 30 minutes. This website has a description, and a remarkably accurate little cartoon animation showing what it "looks like".

Thankfully, that's about the extent of my health problems. Although I'm fairly certain I'm hypoglycaemic too, but I have no official diagnosis and I'm used to it anyway.

Wasn't that marvelous?
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