Apr 11, 2011 21:09
Im told Livejournal is back from the dead. Rather than checking the facts, i'm just going to make a post so I don't miss the revival.
My leisure time goes to Minecraft and books. Recent gooder's are the start of the Dark Tower series that S.King wrote, Til We Have Faces by C.S.Lewis, East of Eden by J.Steinbach, and the beginning of the Game of Thrones by.... whom? All are amazing. Minecraft is of course wonderous.
Other than that, I have been planning Sunday School lessons for highschool kids. Its hard. Challenging not only doing the research and making lesson plans, but also living up to the words I am teaching. We are going through Jesus' hardest sayings. His longest and most well preserved sermon. I wonder how my life would be different if I heeded his words more often?
Ok. Thats my post.
I miss Ryan.