Job Quitted, Job Getted

Sep 16, 2006 19:21

So me and Hallmark had a little spat and I've divorced that soul sucking son of a bitch. Mmmm, Illiteration. Anyway, not working for them anymore :D CELEBRATE! I'm now working at L&L wich is a delightful Hawai'ian BBQ place next to school with Charles and some other cool kids from school. It happens to be next to Cha for Tea where Tea (GABE) Tree works. Yes, I am stalking a guy from the dorms to work and know his name for it. Boy, I feel creepy. So I start tomorrow and it should be great!

I almost cried during Stargate Atlantis last night. Carson... Poor Carson ;________; And I was scared McKay was going to die. I think Rachel would have cried if he died.

Oh yes, and God have mercy on my soul, I stared playing WoW this week.
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