Aug 08, 2006 02:23

Yeah, it scared me just a little. Mostly because my net's been wonky and loading pages all retarded like so dA showed up and was like, BAM, SHINEY AND NEW! But I'll go play with things later and maybe get to those 834 devwatch items I haven't looked at since... MARCH. Yeah, that's why there are no comments on anything, guys. I'll get to them eventually D:

Also, date with Edwin was... not so date-ish. Maybe it wasn't ever meant to be a date, I dunno! He brought his little brother along and I had classes with Michael during high school but we never talked so that was awkward. And Edwin and him kept wandering off in the museum so I sorta just... sat down and text messaged Matt for a bit. Yeah, cool. We went to a really, really good Southern Style Creole Omigod Bad For Your Heart restaurant for dinner and I was pretty blown away. Everything was excellent and while it costs a lot, I'd recommened it if you really love Louisiana style cooking. The place was called Harold and Belle. But bring like... $30 per person just to be on the safe side. Portions were huge so sharing is caring!

Generally everything else is going okay, outside of work craziness. My boss is... going insane or something. She moved everything in the store today. BY HERSELF. She's like a 5'5'' petite Chinese woman who's like 50 something and she rearraged the store by the time I got to work. None of the merch was where I remember it being so I wandered around tryinging to figure out why all the albums were where the frames used to be and vice versa. I just hope she doesn't make me move the cards or the ornaments. I will stab myself in the leg before I even look at those ornaments again before the October Debut. Btw, Hallmark needs to get a real calandar. I'm up to my eyeballs in Christmas, Halloween, Jewish New Year, and Thanksgiving stuff. And somehow there's a way to distiguish between Thanksgiving stuff and Fall Pary/Gift stuff. LOOKS LIKE IT'S ALL BROWN AND ORANGE TO ME!

But that nice little pay check keeps me happy. Although I wish I was making enough to move out or send to Aysha so she could move away from her brother or save up to buy a boy at Yaoicon or I dunno, bribe Don to go to some good prelaw school in SoCal. Granted, I'm getting paid min wage, which ain't bad, for doing... basically nothing but moving stuff around and it's not even heavy. I dunno, the job with Pottery Barn never came through and I'm just praying that I'll be able to find another job that'll be more to my schedule once school starts. I ought to ask Rem if I should be afraid of working as a waitress. The hours would certainly be better for me but I fear the customer interaction/walking with food. Coz I'm retarded and can't do that.

Also, my bosses are super Asian and it creeps me out that they're trying to set me up with their youngest son (26 y/o) for... well no apparent reason other than they want grandchildren and I seem like a nice Asian girl. Yes, I can pretend very well for the sake of my paycheck. But yeah, two lunch meetings(?) and an invitation to visit them up in Santa Monica has me creeped out. Worse is they're always bringing me snacks, lunch, letting me take stuff from the store, telling me to take a break when I've already had my break and they know it, giving me really easy sit down jobs when Pat's feet have been killing her lately, etc. And I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to quit my job and have them still like me if they keep this up. Coz they're nice people, really weird nice people. And I really don't want to just ditch them for a better job, although yes, I do because I needes the monies. Moral dilemma+the real problem of them having nice things to say about me when I apply somewhere else and have to reference them. ~smashesfacedesk~ FUCK, I need to be more coniving. That's now how that word is spelled I don't think.

Oh yeah... and I need to do art. Completely unrelated to that is the fact that Ronan and Carson are both my boyfriends. Both. Although Vala is my girlfriend. If that even makes sense. AND major ew to the inteveiw with Teyla's actor from Gateworld in which she discussed the relationship with Sheppard Teyla might have. It's old and towards the beginning or middle of the first season or something but still ew. MUCH MUCH EW. Ronan's ass in last Friday's episode of Stargate was... SPECFUCKINGTACULAR. THANK YOU GOD.
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