(no subject)

Jun 27, 2006 23:19

So, we sent out for our 4x6 prints and should get them Thursday or Friday. And today I did all 6/7 sketches for the Ouran bookmarks. Haha, I'm hoping to get these all done by Thursday night! I have a feeling Tomorrow is going to be sleepless!

That's most of them. I'm probably going to drag them into Photoshop and put them together exactly so I can have some sort of overlap. The smart thing would have been to draw the picture first but hey, I'm not smart! Hahaha, I'm horrid to Tamaki and Kyouya. Hani's eyes were the hardest thing ever and Mori... well I like Mori. A lot.

Under threat of smiting, I did the twins tonight before I could get lazy so Nee, and probably Toji and others, would be happy. Yay, cuteness! I actually like how they came out although the parts are probably wrong or something. ~shrug~

I hope to see everyone there. OMIGOD VVIES I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! AND OKASHI and... Jake... who has no idea who I am! Derrrrrr... I'm so spazzy about meeting you guys. We should totally hang out Friday night for a little meet and greet before the actual con.

And I sleep soon.
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