Jan 23, 2005 02:19
i decided to take a couple days off from not drinking for my birthday. it felt a little like cheating, but you only get the chance once a year, right?
i had an interesting thursday. it was really cold, like really cold, so i decided not to go home for the hour after my 9:30 class. instead, i went to the common ground to get some hot apple cider, and i ran into smitty, alex, lisa dawn, rob, jenna, and gab, who are all living together next year and were thus having a "house meeting".
[now, the thing with this house is that it is easily the sketchiest house ever - really, its a scandal waiting to happen. or a house-wide STD. allow me to give some examples. rob once had a crush on lisa dawn, but doesn't anymore, and lisa dawn may or may not have a crush on him, and he has definitely been spotted on occasion coming home from her house at 2:30 AM in a kilt. hello, house-cest! jenna won the "female slut of the year" bands award two years ago. alex and rob are known, respectively, as "sketchy alex" and "sketchy rob", and if you try to call them anything else - say, "alex brown" or "rob eedson" - no one has any idea who you're talking about. smitty manages to pass out, then wake up while the party is winding down to drink more every single party we have. and every story that he tells tends to end with the line "and then i got arrested in quebec for selling cocaine". and this is just off the top of my head.]
right, so i hung around with them until 11:30, and then tom and i walked over to Logic together and he promised to buy me drinks at ritual the next day. rich sat next to me in class, and we spent the hour giggling over our prof's t-shirt, which had the title "Green Eggs and Hamlet" along with a Dr. Seuss character saying "I would not could not kill the king, I would not poison anything...". we went to the bookstore, and then decided to brave "coffee with profs". neither of us had ever gone before, but they promised free food, and we figured we should probably hang out with our faculty more anyways. before things could get intimidating or awkward, we started playing Set with natasha and dr. dawes, and i spent the next two hours trying to dethrone natasha as the queen of Set... but she always managed to beat me by one or two. we're doing a rematch next week. then in Cognitive Psychology we got our exams back, and i did very... averagely. boo. i guess that would be the direct result of doing all my studying in the one afternoon after my Stats exam. after class, i met julia in the vault, and for two hours we looked through a whole bunch of old slides of bands from the 80s. mullets are awesome. i had just enough time to go home and eat dinner before going to amanda's house to predrink for the Tir Nan Og. apparently three weeks of sobriety does have an effect, because i had two cans of strongbow and i was rather drunk... and several free drinks later at the Nog - i asked amanda to make sure i didn't have more than 8, but i definitely did anyways - i was drunk and silly and singing karaoke and making out with alex. hannah kept chucking ice at us. hmph. julia had made a birthday crown out of construction paper for me and margot, which was rather cute. i left ten minutes before close (stupid idea, i shoulda stayed for home for a rest!) and my next memory is halfway through a conversation the next morning with alex.
after fielding a few happy-birthday phone calls friday morning and driving to the nog to pick up my sweater, which i'd forgotten there in my drunkenness, i went to ritual with amanda. some guys from my faculty were there and they did the "we count you drink" thing, and an hour and a half later i'd had a few free beers and a pitcher of "fuck me i hate school". a bunch of bandsies were playing in an intramural sport-thing that day, so amanda and robin and i headed to the PEC to watch. just outside clark, we decided to smoke a joint, which was okay when we were between buildings on a friday afternoon, but slightly more sketchy at the busy intersection of union and university. everyone ended up at the QP for another drink, then amanda and i went to my house for pizza and a good long nap. yeah, apparently i'm one of those people that passes out at 6 PM after ritual...
i spent the evening watching movies with aaron and amanda and mare and alex. yeah, it was my birthday, but there's only so much partying i can handle (especially in this brutal cold) before i just feel broken. so friday ended up feeling like two days: the drunk high random party afternoon and the sleepy mellow evening. yeah, i'd say that's a good birthday.