Super Ultra Long Meme

Jun 28, 2007 15:33

I've been tagged by white_fate and ama_kudari

1) Full name?
Oh boy.  Ain't this great?  English Name:  Danielle Middle Name/Vietnamese Name:  Thuy Linh (They're the same.)  Vietnamese Middle Name:  Ngoc Last Name: *insert it here*

2) Male/Female?
Female.  Although I HAVE been mistaken for a male once. XD

3) Were you named after anyone?
My Vietnamese name, yes.  I was named after my mom's distant cousin. My English name, no.

4) Does your name mean anything?
Oh boy...again. Danielle = Something about a judge... Thuy = Kind/Kindness, Linh = Spirit/Spiritual, Ngoc = Jade (like the stone) So basically Judge in English and Kind Spirit in Viet. Jade is my middle name's meaning.

5) Nickname(s)?
Danny, Kyo

6) What do you think you look like?
What do you mean by that question? I suppose I look okay...not the best, but not bad.

7) Date of birth?
November 9, 1992

8) Place of birth and current location?
Place of birth: CA
Current location: In my own little world I call NejiTen. :)

9) Nationality?
100% Vietnamese (American...I was born in America...)

10) Astrology sign?
Scorpio...I don't really know about them, though. XD

11) Chinese Zodiac sign?
Monkey (Does that explain my playful nature?)

12) Religion?

13) What's your favorite smell?
Uh...I don't know...NejiTen? ('Tis my answer to everything. XD)

14) Political position?
I think my family is Republican...though I don't really give a crap about politics. XD

15) What do you prefer to drink the morning?
Milk or a frappucino. However you spell that.

16) Hair + eye color?
Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Brown

17) Do you look like anyone famous?
What about infamous? If so, yes...I look like the infamous ShikyoxYaiba! XD

18) What do you look like?
Statistcally?  Uh...I'm 5'4", glasses (about to get contacts), shoulder length hair, and...guyish. *shrug*

19) Any unusual talents?
The ability to sit around and do nothing all summer and not gain weight. Thank you metabolism. OH! OH! I almost never miss when throwing a sharp/dangerous object...or something that can cause harm. I never miss with pencils. I hit my friend in the head with them at least 20 times in one day. We counted. :D

20) Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?

21) Gay, straight, or bi.
Straight...The thought of the others freaks me out. O.o;;

22) What do you do for a living?
Schoolwork. >.> Oh, and worship NejiTen. :D

23) What do you do for fun?

24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?
Pencil and paper? Oh, and an eraser, too. I make lotsa mistakes. XD

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?
I dunno. *shrug*

26) Have you met your grandparents?
I've met 3 of them. Grandma on my mom's side died when my mom was 12, so I obviously don't know her. I met my grandpa on my mom's side when I was one (don't remember him...I never saw him again after that) and he died, I knew my grandpa on my dad's side until I was seven when he was hospitaized and died about 7 years ago, and my grandma on my dad's side is still alive and living at home with us. :D

27) Boyfriend/girlfriend?
Single. *nods approval*

28) Crush?
Used to, but I'm over him. He's more of a brother now.

29)What celebrity would you date if you could?
None. I'm probably gonna make someone mad by saying this, but I'm not  really interested in celebs and how they look. I barely know any celebs, period. I mean, I got Cameron Diaz and Paris Hilton confused for god's sake!

30) Current worries?
None that I can think of...

31) Favorite online guys/girls?
All. :D

32)Favorite place to be?
In my dreams/thoughts/imagination/fantasy.

33) Least favorite place to be?

34) Do you burn or tan?
Depends. Do I have sunblock on? Lol, tan. I don't burn that easily.

35) Ever break a bone?
No, but I've had several sprains.

36) What is your favorite cereal?
Any type that isn't fruity...except Fruit Loops. That I like. I love everything else that isn't too fruity. Oh, and I don't like cinnamon, either.

37) Person you cry with?
Alone or with my best friend.

38) Any sisters?
One younger. She's six.

39) Any brothers?

40) Any pets?
I wish I had a dog...but no.

41) An illness?

42) A pager?
I need one?

43) A personal phone line?

44) A cell phone?
How could I not? XD

45) A visible birthmark?
I don't think so...

46) A pool or hot tub?
No, but it'd be nice to have a pool...

47) A car?
Too young. But I get my mom's Lexus as soon as I get my license. :D

48) Personality?
Tomboy, plain and simple.

49) Driving?
I'm only 14. Stop taunting me! *sobs*

50) Your clothing style?
Comfort. I don't give a crap about fashion...although my mom does. I always tell her I have my own sense of fashion. Lol.

51) Room?
Yes, and I will be getting a new one soon. My lil sis is moving into the one I have right now. New room is gonna be bigger! Hoorah!

52) What's missing?
Everything I ever need. D:

53) School?
Love socializing, hate schoolwork.

54) Bed?
How can I sleep without it?

55) Relationship with your parents?
Forced to agree/pretend to get along. I don't agree with them, but I can't argue. If I do, I'm screwed.

56) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really. I have to know the person well enough first.

57) Consider yourself a good listener?

58) Have a future dream you would like to share?
I dunno. Become a pharmacist? *shrug*

59) Get along with your parents?
I try to, but they end up saying things I don't like. I give in, though.

60) Save your email conversations?
Yeah, I suppose. I just forget to delete them. XD

61) Pray?
At the temples, yes. At home, no.

62) Believe in reincarnation?
I suppose. :/

63) Brush your teeth twice a day?

64) Like to talk on the phone?
Hell yes.

65) Like to eat?
Yes...I eat a lot for my body size. I gain no weight, though. Thank you metabolism and exercise. :D

66) Like to exercise?
If it's sports, yes. If it's weights and running, sometimes. Usually yes, though.

67) Like to watch sports?
Only tennis. Only tennis. *loves tennis and is learning how to play again*

68) Sing in the car?
Yes, and it pisses my parents off. XD

69) What is a dream you have all the time?
I  dunno. I haven't had any dreams lately...

70) Dream in color?

71) Do you have nightmares?
Not recently.

72) Sleep with a stuffed animal?
I used to. But no.

73) What's right next to you?
Uh...cell phone, blank CDs, a water bottle, and my scroll I'm gonna use when cosplaying Tenten.

74) What's on your favorite mug?
...? None?

75) What's on your mousepad?
My desk IS my everything. XD

76) Your favorite flavor of gum?
Watermelon? I dunno...

77) Your brand of deodorant?
Embarrassing to say, but I don't use deodorant. I use it on occasion. I don't normally have stinky sweat, and I don't sweat that often either. So I don't have one.

78) Your dream honeymoon spot?
I have no idea. Japan? Hawaii?

79) Your dream husband/wife?
Asamoto Soushi. Or maybe Kikumaru Eiji. ♥

80) What's hiding in your closet?
Do clothes count?

81) Under your bed?
There isn't a place under my bed. So...just the carpet.

82) The name of your closest/best friends?
Helen if we're talking IRL.

83) Your bad time of the day?
I dunno. It changes constantly. Probably the evening when my parents get home. I mean, I love them and all, but as soon as they get home, weird/bad things happen.

84) Your worst fear(s)?
The dark and spiders.

85) What's the weather like?

86) Your favorite time of year?
Summer! No school, the beach, and best of all...THE ANIME EXPO! WOO!!

87) Your favorite holiday?
Is there a difference? *doesn't really care*

88) A material weakness?
...No clue. The computer? Internet?

89) The weirdest food or drink you like?
Trust me, there are many asian foods you would NOT want to eat that I eat anyways. XD

90) The hardest thing about growing up?
Emotions. They go wacko on you.

91) A pet peeve?
Slutty people who don't give a damn about others. That just pisses me off.

92) Scariest moment?
When I had a fever of 103 about two weeks ago. And then this weekend when I found out that all the cankersores I have could have been from herpes.  AND THAT'S HERPES FROM SHARING FOOD/DRINKS WITH SOMEONE MIND YOU! >.> Either way, it's healed now.

93) Your attitude about love?
It's confusing, but  ya just gotta trust yourself.

94) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex.
Kick them in th shins? Or maybe it was playfully yank their hair...

The worst feeling in the world?
When you just wanna kill yourself because you hate the world so much.

96) The best feeling in the world?
When you're around your friends with no worries.

97) Who sent this to you?



98) Tag 5 people I tag...whoever is reading this. XD
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