Fandom ramble

Oct 03, 2008 11:18

There be spoilers afoot, ye be warned.

Let me also preface this by saying that I love all of these things dearly, so I assure you that anything herein that could be construed as remotely derogatory or insulting is done in the most loving and affectionate of ways -Rather like a mother musing on her children, whom she loves, in spite of their faults. Or perhaps because of them.

Pushing Daisies:

Now then. What I wanna know is, if Vivienne doesn't known that Chuck is Lily and her former fiance's daughter, then how exactly did Charles Charles come to have Chuck in his care without Lily questioning where this baby came from? Because he certainly didn't find her in a cabbage patch. Futhermore, is Chuck the reason Lily and Charles didn't end up married?

Breaking Dawn:
Is Jacob immortal? Cuz I'm pretty sure his lycan-ish forefathers aren't entirely...alive. Does this mean that if the Cullens leave Forks (as they will have to eventually) he will go all human again? In which case he would die eventually and Renesme would have to move on? Or if he went with the Cullens when they leave Forks would he remain wolfish forever? If so would the rest of his pack be wolfish and immortal too? Or...if this is not the case. If he does go human again then would he be able to be turned into a vampire without...y'know...DYING?

Star Wars:

And since I'm ranting on fandoms. I shall rant about this while I'm at it, because I have nothing better to do. (Sad much?) If Padme died right after Luke and Leia were born then how in the name of the emperor did Leia manage to remember her mother's kindness and tendency towards depression? Does she have super-nifty rememberation powers? She'd have to be able to magically see in the past too of course since she had all of two seconds to process that information and any observations at that point aren't entirely accurate do to the fact that Padme just got through delivering an extra baby and would probably be a little teary at that point. You would think that writing the end of the story first would help keep continuity...well, continuous. ALSO: Would someone please explain who's brilliant idea it was to make the ships in the prequels look WAAYY niftier than the ones in the sequels? I realize technology has gotten better, but taking into account that most of the space scenes are also OBVIOUSLY digitally created, one would think that they would mix in a bit of the old FX so that the supposedly older ships look real and the newer ships actually look new. Just sayin'.


I love X-Files. But the movie was a ridiculous let down. It was worth it for the express purpose of the scene in which Mulder and Scully discuss her decision to place their son with adoptive parents. And maybe because we now know that yes, they finally did verifiably "hook up". But the rest of the plot was lame. The dude who played Father Joe was absolutely awful -maybe he knew how horrible the plot was and therefore put forth no effor whatsoever. Really...what happened to the ghosts, vampires, lake monsters, and liver eating mutants? A nice Monster of the Week movie released in time for Halloween would have been brilliant. Because Chris Carter does that the capability of writing seriously scary shit with wonderful character interaction in between. If they decide to do another movie (I have my doubts) this would be a much better bet.
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