Полный фимоз мозгов

Nov 04, 2007 00:06

Трепещите, любители погулять с фотокамерой! Вот мы тут все по поводу записи DVD страдаем... А в оплоте мировой демократии тем временем происходят куда более интересные вещи, причем еще год назад:
Digital cameras: Are they harmless toys for eliteist liberals, or an unregulated tool for terrorists, lawbreakers and sexual deviants hell-bent on undermining America’s conservative values, morality and traditions?


Why do liberals even need digital cameras? These foreign-made devices often cost in excess of $2000, and contain features superior to high-end Soviet-era spy-cameras. Are liberals using this technology to glorify the family, or document their church and sporting activities? As you might expect, liberals would not expend so much money on such harmless pursuits: Most liberal photographers have amassed vast collections of pornography, and worse child pornography. The majority of liberals who own expensive digital cameras are members of “kiddie-porn clubs”.


Americans are starting to realize the risks of this new technology: It’s time to act. We at STR.com believe that this potentially harmful technology should be registered and only allowed into the hands of those who can use it responsibly. We do not endorse banning these devices, we only need to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. Camera ownership is not constitutionally protected right. We do not object to law-abiding citizens owning cameras, but what good can it do to allow foreigners, drug-users and atheists access to potentially harmful technology?

Вкратце перевожу основную мысль. Цифровые фотокамеры следует поставить на учет и выдавать только по особому разрешению, потому что попадая в руки террористов, коммунистов, атеистов, либералов, сотонистов, педофилов и пр. угрожают свободе и демократии.

Избранные фразы:
"The innocent looking man taking zoom-lens photos of the White house may be plotting to kill the President"
"secretly broadcast footage of our children back to that Far Eastern pederast’s paradise"
"The evil islamofascist leader is collecting images of your family for his evil dossier"

p.s. правда, есть сомнение -- насколько это все серьезно, может авторы тролли, и это просто стеб такой?..
p.p.s. распространение приветствуется.

фотографии, идиотизм, США

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