Now that I have had a proper look through the Exodus website, I suppose I better report back on what I found.
I would like it stated here and now that, despite what I have to say, if these people found their version of happiness, good luck to them.
What is Exodus International?
Exodus International is a website tat can point you in the right direction to help you "overcome homosexuality." "You don't have to be 'gay'" is their slogan, and I guess it is not going to budge. I don't really know what their methods of dealing with homosexuality is, but I am guessing it is no more than a 'Come as often as you can rehabilitation' group. More on that later.
I also read many of the past-stories that are printed on the website. I have a lot to say about them as well, along with what the results of going through these groups will probably end up making a man into.
But here and know, these are 'observations.' From a comment I got back, I would like it stated that I have no proof on a lot of this aside form what Exodus claims on their websites. So if you are unhappy with it, point me in the right direction.
Past experience stories.
Well, there were a lot of stories there to read so I read a select few from both the womens and the mens section. The first comment that sprang to mind was 'chicken.' Yes, these people, as close to god as they may be, decided that being homosexual was too hard and that they'd rather be heterosexual so they wouldn't have to face up to the hardships. That is just sad.
Let me tell you a few of the things that I have had to face up to because I am who I am.
1) I have never won a karaoke competition.
2) I have been assaulted.
3) I hardly had friends throughout school
4) I get insulted about my sexual choices and can't react because I am outnumbered.
5) I have my life threatened.
6) I get harassed because I am doing something I want to do.
7) I lose people simply because they fear my sexuality.
8) I have a hard time being friends with males because they fear I am trying to have sex with them.
9) I get dark looks simply because I am standing where I am standing doing my own thing.
10) I have paranoia about being assaulted again.
Now, despite these things, despite all that I have/am/will be through, I am still a homosexual. I know that, despite the fact I don't follow god, he still has faith in me to do good to the world. I know that I will never find happiness in a loving relationship with a woman. So why would I want to change? Never.
Now, to point out some of the things that made these men change, lets start at the top. (Having been through these things myself, I have not put names to the points, nor will I have a go at the individuals themselves.)
1) Assaulted and got no justice
2) Felt separated from God.
3) Wanted male friends.
4) Felt Satan in their life.
5) Felt bad because they were defying god.
6) Weren't being accepted, but never dis/proved the theory.
7) Felt it wasn't natural
These are just a few examples. Now, lets counteract.
1) Then have faith that God will serve Justice for you, or pursue it yourself.
2) God made homosexuals, so he still loves them.
3) Just because you are gay, doesn't mean everyone else does. Some men are open to it, but you need to be careful in what you say and how you react. It is a trial and error game.
4) If you don't believe in Satan, he can't get to you. See also #2
5) See #2
6) Yes, some people aren't going to accept you. But at least try to prove or disprove that you will be accepted before jumping the gun. I know it is hard, but have a support network to help you.
7) To put it bluntly: you aren't experienced enough. Also: you don't have to push yourself into it. Take your time and let it feel good.
Exodus says 'God will save you.'
I've been through this too many times now. God. Doesn't. Care.
1) The bible was written by men, so it isn't gods law, it is man's law. And if you want to follow it, you are shooting yourself in the foot to use it against homosexuals.
2) God created everything, so he must have created the homosexuals, the lesbians, the transgenders, the transvestites, and so on. He chose the people who were strong enough to deal with it to live with it in this life time. But if the person doubts themselves, then they doubt God at the same time. God made sure you could do it, so if you don't he will send you back to do it again until you get it right.
3) The people who wrote the laws and quotes against homosexuals had good reason to write it. They were homosexuals. And like some of the people who go to Exodus, they weren't happy with the idea. They wanted to spare people the pain of what he went through so they could be happy. These men didn't practice their sexuality, and they didn't talk about it.
4) My belief and education in god was very different to anything I read today. I was taught to love everyone around me, no matter who or what they are. I was taught to love those who helped me, and pray those who sinned against me would learn from their mistakes. Now, in saying all of this, it has all been redone. Homosexuals sin all the time, so we should pray for their salvation. We should love homosexuals but not their ways (so, in other words, be very confusing.) Remember that homosexuals are the cause of all evil upon this earth, and we should hope they will turn to god in time ti be saved. I believe that god will save us all, and that, if anyone is a sinner, he will give us some community service to do when we get to heaven to repent.
Been to Exodus?
Now, in all honesty, if you have been through the Exodus system, if you know someone who has, and for all of those out there who have been through their system, I hope you found your happiness. I really do. If you truly are heterosexual again, somewhere in the world, someone is discovering they are a homosexual.
If you did go through the system, are you sure you are not just repressing yourself? A lot of the people who have been through Exodus are married and having guys on the side. They are not 'gay' but they like to have fun with guys now and again. So correction, you are gay, but you just don't want to admit it. Exodus is can be (in some cases) a repression of homosexuality, because these poor, weak individuals go in and say 'I am gay so I am not close to god.' Clearly, they have not got an open mind, nor do they realize god made them that way. So they go to Exodus to become heterosexual, and in the rare cases, it works. But in other cases, they will find their homosexuality is still there, and they are going to lead repressed, unhappy lives. Worse off, there is a possibility (and I am not saying it is true in all cases) that they will go out, have sex with a guy, then give it to their wife. Oops. If they become repressed, here is what they will be doing...
1) Lying to themselves.
2) Lying to all the women they spend time with.
3) Lying to their children.
4) Causing themselves more depression and hurt than what they had before Exodus.
5) Never finding true happiness in their marriages.
6) Bringing a child into an unhappy family.
7) Betraying the trust of everyone around them.
I know some of those are repeat issues, but still, you get the point.
How does Exodus change men?
Okay, so my last theory (pre editing) might have been over the top, was offencive to someone and was therefore removed. But I would like to know what Exodus does. So if someone can help fill in the blanks here, I'd be interested.
Present conclusion
1) Homosexuals who believe in god need to open their minds to the possibility that god made them that way.
2) Exodus is useful in one way for those who really do want to be rid of homosexuality for some reason that is beyond anything I have said.
3) Homosexuality is condemned by man, not god.
15/11/07: Now that I have snipped this down (probably because I am in less of a mood towards Exodus) I hope anyone who was offended will step back a bit. I'd like for the answers I don't have (without having to write to Exodus if possible) and tell me if Exodus is actually doing the right thing.
Ojkay, I do admit some of those things put up might/not have been overdone, but that is not the point. I personally cannot stand people trying to change homosexuals because they disagree with them. But if it makes them happy, so be it.
Now, for future notes, if someone wants to argue what I have said, please add some proff to the contrary.