you know, i wrote that report more like for myself, to keep all these things in my mind for ever... but i'm happy to know that some people are reading this ^^'
LMAO ZOMG TOKIIIIIIIIIIII XD that's so sweet that he gave your friend a hand shake <3 [wow,you're like the 1st person i've seen who wasn't totally obsessed with Kazuya after the deadman live/autograph session xD]
well, yeah, i'm not. but it's probably because at the session i was concentrated on toki and mako only. and at the concert i couldn't even see kazyua from the place i stood. but i had a great view at mako and aie. and i could easily see toki when i wanted. and... i'll write about it later XD
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~you definitively ROCK LI saaaaan !!!! XDXDXDXDXD;;;;; lucky you *O* !!!! and to read your report makes me feel all *"kyaaaaa~"* happy !!!! (^o^) they seems all so cooo~~ *__* and I can't imagine if they're prettier in real life x3!!!
"then he thanked me saying -thanks- which sounded more like -sex- *lol*" --> ROFFFFLLLL~~~~ I'd love to hear that XDXDXDXDXD;;;;;;;;;;;
"he reminds much of a rubber duckie. i'm sure that he goes -MEEP- when you're squishing his belly XDDD" --> ROOOOOFFLLLLL lol;;; rubber duckies rule~~ XDXD;;;;
damn I couldn't go see them in Paris ;__;but be sure if I had met them in the autograph session , I'd go crazy as always XDXDXDXDXD;;;;;;;; I miss opportunity to talk to and kiss Mako ;__________; *poroporo~* anyway , reading your report makes me feel like I was "there" lol;; thaaaaaanks ^v^ and I'm happy you guys have fun (^O^)!!!!! and I wish that DEADMAN will come back to europe !!!!! XDXD;;;;;; *mitai~~*
Comments 23
You rule :D
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that's so sweet that he gave your friend a hand shake <3
[wow,you're like the 1st person i've seen who wasn't totally obsessed with Kazuya after the deadman live/autograph session xD]
buuuuhuuuhuuuuu *envy*
well, yeah, i'm not. but it's probably because at the session i was concentrated on toki and mako only. and at the concert i couldn't even see kazyua from the place i stood. but i had a great view at mako and aie. and i could easily see toki when i wanted. and... i'll write about it later XD
"then he thanked me saying -thanks- which sounded more like -sex- *lol*"
--> ROFFFFLLLL~~~~ I'd love to hear that XDXDXDXDXD;;;;;;;;;;;
"he reminds much of a rubber duckie. i'm sure that he goes -MEEP- when you're squishing his belly XDDD"
--> ROOOOOFFLLLLL lol;;; rubber duckies rule~~ XDXD;;;;
damn I couldn't go see them in Paris ;__;but be sure if I had met them in the autograph session , I'd go crazy as always XDXDXDXDXD;;;;;;;; I miss opportunity to talk to and kiss Mako ;__________; *poroporo~* anyway , reading your report makes me feel like I was "there" lol;; thaaaaaanks ^v^ and I'm happy you guys have fun (^O^)!!!!! and I wish that DEADMAN will come back to europe !!!!! XDXD;;;;;; *mitai~~*
i'm sure they'll come back soon. they're always coming back :D besides after the concert mako told me they will ^^
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