Clazziquai - Cat Bossa Gently brushing myself Get up and pet me
Show me you care about me And feed me with healthy food
Lazily looking outside The birds are singing Show me that you love me And let me out in the sun
Dear god puts me through a test Perhaps now it's the time for this... We are going to love very much Always finish playing right away Dear god puts me through a test Perhaps now it's the time for this... I’m not going to play the right way And I love very much
Lazily looking outside The birds are singing Show me that you love me And let me out in the sun
Dear god puts me through a test Perhaps now it's the time for this... We are going to love very much Always finish playing right away Dear god puts me through a test Perhaps now it's the time for this... I’m not going to play the right way And I love very much
rozbierz sie i ubrania pilnoj XDDD mozesz gwalcic wszystkich po kolei mozesz zaczac nazywac krocza jrockersow mozesz mi szablon zrobic :>>>>> XDD oki ja juz ide
ale najgorsze jest to ze tak naprawde nie chce mi sie nic robic... wiesz w sumie to [chyba] jutro mam mature XD moglabys sie WRESZCIE zaczac uczyc... *gwizdu gwizdu*
Comments 437
Clazziquai - Cat Bossa
Gently brushing myself
Get up and pet me
Show me you care about me
And feed me with healthy food
Lazily looking outside
The birds are singing
Show me that you love me
And let me out in the sun
Dear god puts me through a test
Perhaps now it's the time for this...
We are going to love very much
Always finish playing right away
Dear god puts me through a test
Perhaps now it's the time for this...
I’m not going to play the right way
And I love very much
Lazily looking outside
The birds are singing
Show me that you love me
And let me out in the sun
Dear god puts me through a test
Perhaps now it's the time for this...
We are going to love very much
Always finish playing right away
Dear god puts me through a test
Perhaps now it's the time for this...
I’m not going to play the right way
And I love very much
sylvia, feed me with some oat and fermented soya ^o^
mozesz gwalcic wszystkich po kolei
mozesz zaczac nazywac krocza jrockersow
mozesz mi szablon zrobic :>>>>> XDD oki ja juz ide
wiesz mozemy isc skroic ludzi z cukierkow i bolek XDDD (zrodlo: moj brat i jego kumple)
Asagi IS teh LURVE BEBEH! ♥
nie, to przeciez matka teresa z kalkuty! :O can't you see?!?!?!!!!!11
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