Mar 16, 2005 23:49
I wish I could believe it…
I want it to be true I want it to be true with all of my heart. I wish that the whole friends forever thing would hold true. After this past year I have seen our class bond I have seen our class grow and mature into some amazing people. I have really seen us getting to know each other. I have seen the seniors magically turn from little immature unders to these caring big brothers and sisters to the underclassmen who took our place as the immature unders. I sit at lunch in senior patio and watch us interact with each other and wander from table to table just talking to each other. I see us so much changed from 4 years ago when we first arrived all bright eyed and scared of what was to come in this great unknown. And now we stand watching everyone else grow and mature well some of them anyhow, and we are beginning to step back and let them rise up as we move forward with life. We yearn to move on and explore this great unknown that is college, and yet we are holding so tight to this place we all love in some tiny demented way. We know we must give the little guys the chance to be on top, and yet we don’t want to give it all up to them. But it is something we must do. We hold on to the place for as long as time will allow but we hold tighter to each other. Telling time and distance to go away. Telling them that we are stronger than them, even though logic tells us that in most cases time and distance will win. It will be a true test of the bonds we have formed. We will see which ones are the strongest the ones that resist time and distance tugging from both directions. And then there will be the precious ones that will defy all logic and will weather the elements and stay true until the end of time. But even the bonds that break first are by no means to be devalued. Because no matter for how long any of you have been or will be in someone’s life you will forever be a part of them. Because in one way or another you have touched them left your mark on their heart their mind or their soul or if you are really special all of them. Everyone leaves their mark somehow even if they don’t realize it. And people leave their marks on you and you don’t notice it until later, some times it doesn’t make sense until much later. Don’t let the impending doom of time and distance looming over us pull you down. Continue to live it up as though it will never end and as though we will never leave each other. And when time and distance begins to put a strain on things and begins to tug fight it, fight it with all that you have got. Because even though you can’t go back to the place we are in now, at least have some one who can bring back the memories…