(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 14:04

These last few days kinda sucked. >_< I don't know why, but I've had trouble sleeping lately, which made me go into uber bitchy mode and snap at every little thing. Damn nerves.

And as a result, the few hours I do manage to get some sleep are enhanced by really really weird dreams:

First I saw that our class was going on a field trip to Rome, and we were on a plane, and the pilot started to do some pretty impressive manoeuvers (and of course I got airsick, cause my brain sucks like that) and then we hit a fucking helicopter and the plane got on fire and we started to fall and we, like, destroyed every damn building in the area, yet somehow we landed safely.

And then the teacher was all "Oh, it's okay kids. Just move along. We'll worry about the lawsuits later."


And last night I saw a girl I went to primary school with whom I haven't seen in years. And she apparently got blind somehow during those years. O_o ...Yeah. Anyway, we were on a bus (what is it with me and vehicles?) and she was with some random guy who was, I dunno, her seeing-boy-toy or something like that, and we were talking. And I suddenly decided to kiss her on the cheek, and I did, which made her blush and smile and I was all "Awwww... ^_^" but then I realised she thought the boy toy did it and I got all disappointed and angry.

So I kicked him in the shins. >_>;;

...I mean, really, brain. What the fuck?

Aaaaanyway, after that redundant intro that probably has you slowly backing away from the computer, I've come to the main point of my post:


D: D: D:


my dreams make freud rub hands in glee, real life sucks

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