(no subject)

Dec 08, 2007 09:59

Ever had one of those weeks that made it blindingly obvious that some sort of higher deity likes to watch you flail around in panic?

I don't know why, but every time Christmass is approaching, all teachers seem to get into a frenzy of sorts. They just don their "Cloaks of Evil" and their "Hats of Total Ignorance About the Rest of the World" and they happily dispatch tons of homework, tests and essays on the poor, unsuspecting students. This is the part where the puny mortals students flail around in abovementioned panic trying to cope with the workload, and the teachers higher deity laughs his copyrighted Villain Laugh.

For the entire next week, I'm gonna be writing tests every day. Every day. Seriously. On Monday it's History, on Tuesday Physics, on Wednesday Language Studies (Hate it. Hate it with a passion. *stabs the book* I'm seriously considering playing hooky on that day) on Thursday a quick little one houred test on Biology (I actually enjoy those. *biology geek* :D) and last but not least, Math on Friday. What a perfect way to end the week.

Last week wasn't any better either. (I like to call this period mini-exam season.) I'm so tired in the mornings, I can't even lift my hand to turn off the alarm. I feel like a zombie. X_X

And, if all else wasn't enough, I've caught a cold. How am I supposed to read history with a fever?


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