*peeks in*

Jul 31, 2008 12:08

Heeeeeeeeey! ^^ Remember me? Man, I haven't posted here in ages! Oooops. ^^; It's just that, we went to our beach house, and we don't have internet there. Or a computer, for that matter. The original plan was to only go there for the weekend, but somehow two days became three weeks. >.>;

BUT we came back to the city for a couple of days, so I'll just use this opportunity to make two annoumncements:

1) I BOUGHT A DS!!!!!! :D:D:D

Yeah, I know it's old news now, what with all the next gen consoles coming out, but still. Better late than never. And I looooove it! ^^ It's so much fun!! I can't believe I didn't buy one sooner. It has pretty much sucked my soul. :P



Me and my best friends are going to London for five days, starting on Monday. Yes, this Monday. Three days from now. :D

Okay, I know this sounds completely out of the blue, but we've actually been toying with the idea for the entire last year. We wanted to do something to celebrate the end of our school days. I just never mentioned it here, cause there was always the chance we couldn't make it, and I didn't want to get my hopes up. But we're actually going!! ^^ I'm getting really excitied. :D:D:D I bet we'll have tons of fun.

I'll make sure to find a computer to post pics and stuff when it's over. I'm sure you'll want to hear about our adventures. :D

In other news, I've been stuck with my parents for the last few weeks. Who do what all parents do. That is, nag, nag, nag, and then nag some more. They mostly nag at each other, but sometimes they take a much needed break to nag at me. Oh, joy. >_< Needless to say, my headphones never leave my ears, and I rarely put my beloved DS down.

But hey, it's not that bad, cause I go swimming every day. :D The one thing that makes Greece actually bearable, our saving grace, is our beaches. I'm bitter about a lot of things about my country, but I'll always appreciate all the summers I spent here. :D I absolutely love the sea.

So anyway, I hope you're all having fun during the summer! I'll try to catch up to all your posts. ^^

Till next time. Whenever that will be.
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