post of flail /o/

Jan 04, 2011 00:23

× I have the whole house to myself tonight |D;; It's nearly midnight alskdnlsdg. Buut as you guys expected, I skipped school today D8 I ended up sleeping at 9 in the morning, only because I fell asleep while cross-stitching and my mom went "ALSKNG GO TO SLEEP YOU'RE ALREADY FALLING ASLEEP WITH A NEEDLE IN YOUR HAND" and I'm like "...heh :D;;"

× So I woke up at 4 in the afternoon, and we went out for dinner, and now I'm home again and ready for another all-nighter /o/ fml orz orz I'm on break now though, 'cause I'm waiting for some videos to get converted so I can edit them |D *MAKING EXCUSES LOLOL*

× Anyway, thank you to those who filled out the intro post! ♥ A-and I don't know if I can reply to them without unscreening them, so I'll just reply here? 8DD;;

uebo14, ALDKNLSNG DON'T BE RIDICULOUS RINA BB OF COURSE I STILL REMEMBER YOU HOW CAN I NOT D8 *LOOOOVES* A-and I went away because I had to focus on school D8 Senior year and all :( BUT AS YOU CAN SEE, I couldn't stay away for good, even though this is the last quarter and I really should but I just really miss you all D8 *hugs*
piccu, m-me too bb ;A; *LOVES* I'm really happy that you haven't taken me off your f-list yet XD; *hugs*
wishfactory, Happy New Year as well, bb! :D ♥ And b'aww don't worry, I need to post more myself XD; *loves*
gekkonorondo, HOW CAN I FORGET YOU BB ♥ YOU'RE UNFORGETTABLE D8 *LOVES* T-though it has been a long time D8 WE MUST REMEDY THAT. <3

× OMG SHIT YOU GUYS I JUST CHECKED OUT THE UPCAT RESULTS AND ALSDNLSKDGLSKGLKSNGLKANSLKNSLDKGLDG I PASSED! ALSDKNLS OMGGGGGGGGGGG SPAZZING OUT BECAUSE I DID NOT EXPECT IT ;A; I really really really thought that I failed spectacularly BUT OMG MY NAME IS THEEEEERE! XD It's not hard to miss, it's the second name and has a *PENDING CASE next to it because I still haven't passed an affidavit or something XD BUT IT'S THERE. Although, lol, I probably won't be enrolling in UP ^^; They have no scholarship (at least, as far as I know...) other than the Oblation Scholarship which is only for the Top 50 passers of UPCAT and I'm obviously not there XD BUT JUST. THE FACT THAT I PASSED. And the fact that I now have at least one college to go to ;A; FFFFFFFFFFF ♥ THIS IS ME RIGHT NOW ↓

× W-well, that certainly made me less depressed about all this schoolwork :'D omfg ♥

i passed omg, family, real life

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