My life recently :D

May 22, 2010 23:42

→ Went to the mall with Avrille and Shalimar yesterday :"> Fuck, I love my friends D8 Totally took away my not-depression. :"> We watched "Here Comes the Bride" which was seriously funny. I loved it so D8 If there's a subtitled version of it online, I'd totally pester all of you to watch it because it's just THAT good D8 Oh, and we also got kicked out of the dressing room 'cause we took too long, lol ;; I feel bad for the salesladies, but Avrille rolled her eyes and I flashed them a smile. It was embarrassing though XD

→ Stuff happened. Marvin's a thick-headed ass. If he's so keen as to pretend to his friends that we have a thing, then fine. If he wants to use my face to boast to his friends that he has a girl who omg actually spent time with him, then by all means, go ahead. But if people ask me, I am so telling them that I don't want anything to do with him and that he's desperate because he's the only one in his group of friends without a steady girlfriend. :( I went to the mall with him because I thought it'd be nice to spend time with him as a friend (I did specifically state that it was NOT a date in front of his face.) but I should've listened to Avrille instead. OML Boyfriends/Girlfriends ≠ Accessories.

→ Finished Harry Potter 4 and 6 on the PSP :> Yes, I went there. That's how obsessed I am atm. Now that I've finished them, I have nothing to do anymore tho D8 Well, 4 was awesome, but I like 6 better :D It gave me a feel to be a student in Hogwarts, lol. The hardest part in 6 was probably having to memorize the Hogwarts castle D8 I spent hours banging my head and asking myself "WHERE THE HELL IS THE DADA CLASSROOM?". Also, I enjoyed making Harry duel with Draco immensely.

There's a part there where one of the things I have to do is "Spy on Draco", and a student asked Harry, "Why are you so concerned about Draco anyway?" XD ♥

Game!Harry's ugly in 6 though, but hot in 4.

→ I'm sick ;; Who the hell gets sick in the middle of summer, I know, but I've got the flu D8

→ From The Obligatory 'Draco is a Veela' Story that Every HP Fanfiction Author has to Write by mahaliem

"You Malfoys are so full of shit," Ron shouted.

Draco jumped to his feet. "That's a foul lie. Malfoys do not shit."

Everyone within hearing distance turned to look at Draco, whose face flushed slightly. Even the Slytherins seemed incredulous.

"Malfoys don't shit?" Pansy asked, disbelievingly.

"Of course not. Animals shit. People defecate. Malfoys evacuate their bowels."

Genius ♥

→ Also, call me late to the party, but the author of the Draco Trilogy is the author of the Mortal Instruments Series? omg /mindblown but man, that's inspiring *A*

friends, fail, real life, awesome, harry potter, quotes

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