【Lonely Moon】

Apr 26, 2010 15:47

I just read the most beautiful thing ever. I could just cry at how beautiful it is. :( Lonely Moon by eleventy7 is an HPDM fic that just grabbed my heart and refused to let me go for five hours straight. ♥

It's been years since I last read a multi-chaptered fic straight. Me reading multi-chaptered fics (27 chapters no less) is already unheard of, much more reading it in one seating, but THAT'S JUST HOW AWESOME IT IS OKAY :(

And the unbelievable part is that she didn't even need to include dramatic fireworks in the story. Just... gradual unfolding of the plot and the story and the characters FFFF I could just cry D8


"So, what'd you get me for Christmas?" Scorpius demanded, sticking his head between the two front seats.

"A lump of coal," Draco sighed. "I'm already looking forward to the end of Christmas break." He looked suspiciously at Scorpius. "Is your seatbelt on?"

"Yeah, course it is." Scorpius discreetly put it on.

"Scorpius, that's really dangerous," Draco said with exasperation.

"Yeah? Well I don't think you should hold hands with someone when you're driving," Scorpius retorted. "You can't drive with one hand."

"Watch me," Draco said, laughing.

Harry gazed out the window, smiling.


"Oh, quit whining about it," Hermione snapped. "So you got scared and made a mistake, like everyone else in the world. Here's what you do: Go under your bed, get out the dusty little shoebox, get your courage out of it and go apologise."

"She knows how to pack a punch," Ron muttered to Harry. "And she knows about the shoeboxes under your bed."

Harry couldn't help it; a smile tugged at his lips.


"If you could change anything in your life," Harry asked Draco, "what would it be?"

Draco twirled a four-leaf clover between his fingers, gazing up at the sky.


"What about the Battle?"

"I don't know. Maybe I would've held onto you a little tighter."

Harry watched the sun set, a brilliant and momentary dazzle of colours.

"I would have held onto you too," Harry said quietly. "I would've held onto everyone. Somehow they just seemed to fall through my fingers, like sand. Like time. How many people have slipped from my hands?"

"Maybe they just let go," Draco said.

And here. Professor = Harry. ♥

Hey Professor,

Listen I don't know what you've done to my dad but he hasn't owled me for like two weeks and Teddy and I have both agreed you must've done something or gone away maybe coz Dad's always real happy when you're around.

Anyway Teddy says you'd tell him if you went away, so the only solution left is you did something mean to Dad, which is seriously uncool, or gotten back with that Weasley chick (which is even more uncool). Also Teddy says he'll be really annoyed too if you've gotten back with her.

Anyway just go and cheer Dad up again, I bet Teddy five galleons that you guys didn't fancy each other, but it's pretty obvious so if you could just snog Dad for me that'd be nice. And I mean, this is a pretty huge sacrifice on my part, I'm giving up a whole five galleons just so my Dad can get some. He'd better be fucking grateful.

Anyway this is the longest letter I've ever written (another sacrifice) and Teddy keeps wanting me to add all this shit in, I'd tell him to fuck off but I need your address. Teddy also says I shouldn't swear in letters but who gives.

See ya,


PS Teddy's being annoying, so you know what, sir? HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. Yeah, if he didn't want me to fucking tell you, maybe he shouldn't be pissing me off about my fucking spelling -

Okay, so if you're not going to read it, then just watch this 4 minute fanvid inspired by it? :D

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Oh, I could start a whole new entry just proclaiming my love for this video, because it's also THAT pretty ♥ I-I want to be able to do stuff like these ;A;

awesome, fanfic, harry potter

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