"Yes, buchou!" /o/

May 18, 2009 19:09

"I'm not allowed in the kitchen."
Kirihara, Irie, Oji, Kazuya + Rikkaidai regulars
1220+ words

Beware for OOCness and KK's interpretations on Irie and Oji and Kazuya's unknown personalities. (Actually, you should beware that more.) Oh, and possibly wrong details on the living accomodations inside the U-17 tennis camp thingy. Well, no, not possibly.

Really wrong details on the living accomodations inside the U-17 tennis camp thingy. XD

Kirihara figured that he really should have paid attention when they were given a tour of the place (he was busy telling Jackal about how these high schoolers were such wussies.) because right now, he needed to find the bathroom and he needed to find it fast because... he was lost... even if his brain was still too sleepy to comprehend that.

Why was this place so damn complicated anyway? It was just a camp, not some facility where they breed tennis players to become pro-level machines like those guys from Jyosei Shonan (except they weren't pro-level. Ha, they wish.). And besides, don't places like these normally have signs or arrows pointing to the bathroom? Especially the bathroom. You have to be prepared when someone stupid enough doesn't pay attention to the tour and gets hit by karma when said someone wakes up in the middle of the night because nature called. People gets lost, you know. Not everyone was born with the sense of direction (or luck) to find bathrooms in ridiculously complicated places like ---

Oh, there it is.

Refreshed and a lot more awake now, Kirihara finished washing his hands and walked out of the bathroom.

And paused.

Okay, what was the way to his room again?

"Oh, what's this? You're not supposed to be loitering in the middle of the night. It seems awfully suspiscious and a lot of people might take it the wrong way..."

It was that weird Irie guy with the glasses. The guy who beat that Momoshiro from Seigaku and that Kazuya bastard were with him too. Sleepy and tired, Kirihara still had enough energy and brain cells to give them a wary eye. (Especially that Kazuya bastard.)

"I wasn't loitering," he muttered, glaring.

Oni suddenly laughed, loud and booming. "I get it! The little kid's lost!"

"I'm not a kid!" Kirihara yelled, out of habit more than anything. (In his sleep, Niou sneezed.) "And I'm not lost!" he added, just because he didn't want to admit that to these big-headed jerks.

Irie raised an eyebrow. "Then I would have to ask you what you're doing here in front of group 3's bathroom."

"Eh?" Kirihara blinked, flushing. He went that far? He must have been drowsier than he thought.

Oni laughed once again (Kirihara was starting to hate his laugh.) and even Irie had on this amused smile. Kazuya looked as deadpan as ever, as if he wanted to be anywhere but here, and somehow, that annoyed Kirihara the most.

"Well, no matter. I could use a little more help. Do you know how to cook?"

"Why the hell would I wanna help you?"

"Because it would be bad for your record if word got out about your loitering."

"I wasn't loitering," Kirihara replied automatically, and though he felt very irritated at being threatened, his brain was already wracking up the possible things Yukimura would do to him if he found out (even though he wasn't loitering). "And I'm not allowed in the kitchen."

That was true. his mother would castrate him if he stepped inside their kitchen. Even his teammates took precautionary measures whenever he'd come to their houses. Kirihara had always wondered why.

"Nonsense. Let's go, shall we?"

Kirihara had this suspiscious notion that this Irie guy just didn't want to let him go back to his room in peace and return to his sleep. He was still waiting for them to give him directions like normal, nice people would do, but if they weren't going to, then Kirihara certainly wouldn't beg for it.

At least, maybe he'd finally know how a microwave works.

The room was covered in cream and maybe a little bit of condensed milk. (...ew.) At the corner, the microwave sat, beyond repair, broken glass bits and black smoke and all. The stove may also need a little bit... a lot... a whole lot of... tweaking.

"The hell?" Marui growled, annoyed at having his beauty sleep ruined. "You dragged me out of bed for this? I thought it was an emergency?"

Irie's perfectly fine eyebrow twitched furiously. He gestured to the room. "Which part of this isn't an emergency?"

Shrugging, Niou rubbed away the sleep from his eyes. He yawned, big and loud, just to be annoying. "I dunno. Just looks like you had a really crazy orgy."

"Niou-kun, is that something a middle schooler should be saying?" Yagyuu sighed, pushing his glasses up further the bridge of his nose, not really sounding reprimanding.

"Akaya?" Jackal called to the creamed (literally) room. "Where are you?"

"M'here, shempfai!" Kiriahra emerged from a mountain of white, foamy substance, whipped cream covering him from head to toe.

Sighing heavily, Jackal rubbed his temples. "Go wipe yourself with a towel or something."

"THE KITCHEN IS COVERED IN CREAM AND THE MICROWAVE IS ON FIRE," Oni growled, feeling like the world was missing the point here. Because of that, he was exasperated, and most especially murderous. "Of course it's an emergency!"

Marui glared right back at the person who dared ruin his icing-filled dream. Let it be known that Marui was not a morning person. (Even though it was just 4 AM and the sun wouldn't be out until another couple of hours.)

"Well, I don't see Akaya beating anyone up," he said dryly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and only he noticed it because not everyone were geniuses like him.

"What's going on here?"

All eyes turned to the newcomers. Kazuya had arrived with Rikkai's Three Demons following him -- all looking deadpan. It would have been funny if it weren't horribly terrifying.

"Fukubuchou!" Akaya squeaked, feeling dread well up in his stomach.

Though it might have also been all the cream he licked off of his hand and fingers.

"Akaya," Yanagi started, having summed up the situation already. He looked at his kohai pointedly. "You know you're not allowed in the kitchen."

Kirihara looked like a child that had just been caught stealing from the cookie jar. "Yeah, I told them that too, but they wouldn't believe me," he mumbled, motioning to Irie who looked like he really needed a coffee break, like, right now.

"Well then," Yukimura cut in, a pleasant smile on his face. All Rikkaidai regulars stiffened. Yukimura kept on smiling. "I suppose that's settled then. It would seem that our member is faultless. So, if you'll excuse us, we'd like to return to our rooms now."

The high schoolers stared at him long and hard. Yukimura smiled back.

Oh, Kirihara loved his buchou very, very much. So cool.

"Akaya, let's go," Yukimura called, eyeing his... unseemly appearance. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Yes, buchou."

"And hm, well, that microwave is a waste. Apologize to them properly."

If the Rikkaidai regulars didn't know better, they'd think that their captain was rather... enjoying this.

Kirihara shrugged, waving at Irie as he passed by him and out of the room. "Sorry about the microwave, sempai. I thought it was a calculator."

"Well, good night, sempai-tachi..."

Kazuya watched them go, steely eyes fixing against their retreating backs. "Is it alright to let them leave like that?"

And to think this all started because Irie had wanted fruit salad, and entertainment while making it. (Deep down, he thought that Irie just wanted to get rid of his boredom by waking him and Oni up in the middle of the night and dragging them off to the kitchen. That Kirihara kid was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. And Kazuya still had to figure out just how the microwave blew up when they were making fruit salad.)

Well, at least Irie wasn't bored anymore. (And probably wouldn't be for a long time because of this. Kazuya can sleep easy now.)

Irie looked absolutely grief-stricken. "No, no," he muttered, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. When he opened his eyes, he looked dead serious.

"More importantly, Kantoku's going to have our heads."

Kazuya and Oni nodded grimly, even though a happy thought resounded in their heads and went unsaid.

Just yours, really.

And that is how I see those three. :| Of course, I'm probably horribly wrong but I enjoyed writing this XD Totally gave me something to do anyway :|

BECAUSE THE HEAT MAKES ME EMOOOOOO :| And an emo!KK is a funny sight XD;

prince of tennis, drabble, fanfic, shin prince of tennis, kirihara

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