May 30, 2008 00:06

Omg the adrenaline rush from the whole day is getting to me. I feels woozy nao. XD

BUT. SAIYUKI RELOAD, LATEST CHAPTER. UKOKU = MOST ORIGINAL VILLAIN EVER MUCH. ♥ MINEKURA-SENSEI = TENSAI TEKI. *A* Omg, his badasshattery makes me wibble so much. D: I'm sorry, Sanzo, I love you and all, but having the crap beaten out of you has never looked so fucking hot.

Goku broke my heart at chapter 41. :< Fangirling over Sanzo atm, at least until Goku redeems himself. ♥

Wtf it's only midnight and my eyes are freaking droopy.

I can't clean the bathroom nao. D:

PFFT. TOMORROW. If Avrille doesn't wake up in the morning. XD;

Shall take a bath, dry hair, and COLLAPSE. *A*

G'night, gaiz. 8Db


sleep, saiyuki reload, bath, ukoku omg bear my babies, avrille

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